Another Reason Not to Be an Atheist

Ha’aretz delivers the good news that praying regularly may reduce the risk of Alzheimers.

an atheist’s brain

The study was aimed at identifying factors that increase the risk of developing Alzheimer’s. Researchers examined several aspects of the subjects’ lives, including what they did in their spare time during their 20s and 30s. It turns out females who prayed regularly had 50 percent less chance of having mild dementia or Alzheimer’s.

Lead researcher Prof. Rivka Inzelberg said they couldn’t determine the connection between praying and Alzheimer’s amongst men because 90 percent of their male subjects prayed daily. “But among the women, only 60 percent of the women prayed five times a day, as per Islamic custom, but 40 percent didn’t pray regularly, so we were able to compare the data,” Inzelberg explained.

The study did not characterize the connection between prayer and memory, but Inzelberg noted, “Prayer is a custom in which thought is invested, and the intellectual activity involved in prayer, beyond the content of the prayers, may constitute a protective factor against Alzheimer’s.”

Ah science.  It’s awesome.  Day after day it shows irrefutably that atheism is bad for your health.  And we all know hell is bad for your health too- atheists take notes!

More Pampered Jock Stupidity

What is it about being a jock at a big time sports school that turns kids into fools?

Vols junior quarterback Tyler Bray and his roommate are accused in a police report of throwing beer bottles and golf balls from an apartment complex balcony onto parked cars.  No charges have been filed in the Monday afternoon incident. It was reported at the Landings Riverside Apartments, 960 Riverside Forest Way, near downtown.  Kirstie Allen, who lives at the complex, said she called 911 when she saw Bray, 20, and Michael Grandinetti, 26, throwing beer bottles off a balcony. 

Why haven’t charges been filed?  Isn’t vandalism a crime if it’s perpetrated by a jock?  Bray should be cut from the team.  That kind of behavior is inexcusable (except for adulated athletes.  They can do as they please can’t they).  If ‘Joe Black Kid’ from the projects had done such a thing he’d already be in jail.

Biblioblog Carvinal Call For Submissions

Phil Long is hosting the next Carnival, arriving August 1.  He’s put out a call for submissions.  Submit!

And then Phil adds this sad news-

Jim Linville has given up the joy of organizing the blog-carnivals, so I volunteered to organize them through the end of the year.  I need volunteers to take a month, starting with August (to be posted about September 1) through December.  Please email me with your preferred month.

Canadians.  They’re just so unreliable.  Like the French.

Willem’s Latest From Dutchland and the 2012 ISBL

His latest post concerns Paul having lunch with the Psalmists (or some such).  😉   Oh ok, it doesn’t!  Here’s the opening paragraph

Op woensdagmiddag lunch ik met drie Amerikaanse conferentiedeelnemers die in Schotland met promotieonderzoek bezig zijn, van wie twee bij de bekende Nieuwtestamenticus N. T. (Tom) Wright en één die probeert te beargumenten dat waarschijnlijk al in de loop van de eerste eeuw de brieven van Paulus (inclusief 1 en 2 Timotheüs en Titus en Hebreeën) tot één collectie waren samengevoegd. Twaalf over één zijn we uitgegeten en kappen we onze gesprekken af en veertien over één staan we bij de ingang van het Joods Historisch Museum waar de beroemde Emanuel Tov terug zal blikken op wat zestig jaar Dode Zee-rollen-onderzoek heeft opgeleverd voor onze kennis van de tekst van de Hebreeuwse Bijbel (het Oude Testament). Helaas is het museum niet voldoende geïnformeerd over de faam van Tov en is een zaal klaargemaakt voor vijftig tot zeventig personen. Omdat dit aantal inmiddels ruim is overschreven, wordt ons vriendelijk maar onvermurwbaar meegedeeld dat we de zaal niet inmogen en de lezing niet kunnen beluisteren. Als troost wordt ons wel een gratis toegangskaart tot het museum aangeboden, waar ik onder andere Black Box van de kunstenaar William Kentridge bekijk, een heel speciale en wat lugubure voorstelling in een modeltheater met tekeningen, mechanische poppen en film.

Pray for Willem.  He spent time with Tom Wright!  The effects were doubtless counteracted by his Tov-ian time (mercifully).  And read the rest (or take the url to google translate if you must).

Now That’s a Bit of Happy News…

My little book on Zwingli, published by Quartz Hill Publishing House, is to be translated into Portugese. Those of you who have had their books translated into other languages will understand my untoward and prideful joy. I’ll try not to be too snooty but if I don’t talk to some of you from now on it’s because I’m just too ‘special’.

There is, I’m told, a real dearth of material on Zwingli in Brazil which is why this translation request was made there.  It’s extremely gratifying to imagine that such a gap will be at least partially filled in the near future.

QHPH will also be the publisher of the translation.  I’ll announce it (though clearly not in Portugese) when it comes out.

A Nice Video Explaining Good Reasons to Upgrade to BibleWorks 9

Featuring that Jim Barr kid.  Nicely done indeed-

As I’ve said before, and still maintain as practice- when I do exegesis I start with BibleWorks and then turn to Logos for a good chunk of secondary literature. Then, just so you know (because I’m sure you’re curious) I use the resources in E-Sword and finally all the print stuff I have in my library that’s relevant for the passage under consideration.

BibleWorks 9 is exceedingly useful.

John Knox Wouldn’t Be Happy

In fact, I think he’d probably – literally – explode at the news that Scotland is going to legalize gay ‘marriage’.

The Scottish Government intend to legislate to allow same sex marriage, it was announced today.  However, legislation will be accompanied by important protections for freedom of speech and religion.  As indicated in the consultation, no religious body will be compelled to conduct same sex marriages – protection for religious bodies who do not wish to conduct same sex marriages already exists under UK equality law.  Where a body does decide to conduct same sex marriages, the Scottish Government also intends – again, in line with the view expressed in the consultation – to protect individual celebrants who consider such ceremonies to be contrary to their faith.

Don’t worry, though, someone denied ‘marriage’ by this or that church or Pastor will sue in due course and clerics will be obliged to participate or be charged with a ‘hate crime’.

News From Amsterdam SBL: The Minimalists Pose For a Portrait Reenacting the Last Supper…

Again, from our friend Koert- this delightful tweet and photo (which, for all the world, reminds me of the Last Supper by Da Vinci) :

Koert van Bekkum@koertvb   The old guys of the European Seminar of Historical Methodology look back at what they have achieved. #minimalism

‘The old guys’!!!   Priceless!  (And they aren’t THAT old!)

Eckart Otto’s New Commentary on Deuteronomy 1-11

Dieser Deuteronomium-Kommentar vereinigt erstmals in der Geschichte der Auslegung des Buches diachrone, an der Entstehung des Textes, und synchrone, an der Interpretation des Endtextes orientierte Auslegung. Der Kommentar zeigt diachron, dass das Buch am Anfang der Literaturgeschichte der Tora der Mosebücher im 7. Jh. v. Chr. steht, und synchron, dass es Schlussstein der Tora der Mosebücher ist. Im Zentrum der Auslegung steht die Interpretation des Dekalogs in Dtn 5 als mosaische Auslegung des Sinaidekalogs im Exodusbuch. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind die rechts- und religionshistorischen Vernetzungen des Buches mit seinem altorientalischen Umfeld.

Otto is one smart guy.  Students of Deuteronomy will want to take a look at this I can easily imagine.