Why You Should Probably Unfriend Me on Facebook and Unfollow Me On Twitter


1- I take my calling and task as a Pastor/Theologian very seriously.
2- This calling is spelled out in Ephesians 4.

And his gifts were that some should be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ,

3- Which calling consists in the following mandate:

until we all attain to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to mature manhood, to the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ; so that we may no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the cunning of men, by their craftiness in deceitful wiles.

4- Consequently this means that I am charged to instruct correctly those who may be ill informed so that they can attain Christian maturity. I am charged, further, to implement this calling

Rather, speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ, from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by every joint with which it is supplied, when each part is working properly, makes bodily growth and upbuilds itself in love.

Which means that if I love those for whom I am given responsibility, I must love them enough to tell them the truth so that, knowing the truth, they can be authentically united to Christ and his love. His love which is itself truth.

5- Hence, the results of this ministerial/theological activity is that

… you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their minds; they are darkened in their understanding, alienated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them, due to their hardness of heart; they have become callous and have given themselves up to licentiousness, greedy to practice every kind of uncleanness. You did not so learn Christ! (Eph 4:11-20).

Right belief results in right behavior. Wrong belief results in wrong behavior. Thus, in sum, if I don’t instruct those for whom I am responsible before God I am guilty of allowing them to be destroyed and to destroy others. This I cannot do. Nor can I allow others to do it. Nor can I stand by silent while it’s being done.

So, when you post theological falsehood on Facebook or twitter you’ll hear about it. When you pass along talk of consulting horoscopes or posting photos which guarantee answered prayer if you’ll just do this or that you’ll hear about it. When your theology dips below what’s biblical, believe me, you’ll hear about it. Because you need to hear about it. Because I’m morally and ethically and pastorally and theologically bound by my calling to tell you about it.

So if you don’t want to have error pointed out, it may be best if you unfriend me on facebook and unfollow me on twitter and avoid at all costs anything I write whether formally or informally because, in the word of James

Let not many of you become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we who teach shall be judged with greater strictness. (Jam 3:1).

The Day of Judgment is already going to be tough enough on me as it is. I don’t intend to add to the discomfort by remaining silent in the face of untruth.  I’m not the sort of person to read or hear in any venue if the truth is something you don’t wish to hear.

Or maybe, just maybe, that’s precisely why you should friend me on facebook and follow me on twitter…

IVP Has An App, a Pocket Reference App

Just announced in fact-

The IVP Pocket Reference App: The IVP Pocket Reference app is designed for students, pastors, scholars and leaders as an aid to formal or informal study of apologetics, biblical languages, church history, contemporary religions, ethics, theology, philosophy of religion and more. Launching with the complete set of more than 300 terms and definitions from the Pocket Dictionary of Theological Terms, this app aims to become your constant companion—a convenient, expandable and customizable library of trustworthy and timely Christian reference.

At present it is available for android devices with an iPhone version expected soon. To check out the features, click the link above and to keep up with the project as it develops, follow them on the twitter- @IVPpocketref.

Here’s more-


  • Browse lists of terms or notes alphabetically
  • Search terms, definitions or notes
  • Swipe from entry to entry within any dictionary in your library
  • Add your own terms and definitions
  • Attach one or more notes to any entry
  • Highlight terms or text within definitions or notes
  • Copy and paste text within definitions or notes
  • Share terms and definitions via Facebook, Twitter or email
  • Buy additional dictionaries as they are released
  • Read offline—no Internet connection needed

I appreciate very much Adrianna Wright of IVP pointing this resource out.

Twitter Lies and the Liars who Pseudonymously Tweet Them

The twitter user @comfortablysmug is one of a handful of pseudonymous Manhattan professionals who keep their widely-followed Twitter voices separate from their careers. His bio describes him as “My Interests: Finance, Gin, Politics, Books, Food, Fine Clothing, Meeting Strangers #Mitt2012” and links to a Romney campaign donation page of the sort that credits bundlers for the cash they’ve brought in.

His 6,000 followers include political and business reporters, and he’ll occasionally tweet of getting a drink with Business Insider’s Joe Wiesenthal; once with BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith.

And in the chaos around Hurricane Sandy, he veered into new territory: Trying to trick his media followers, and their followers and readers in turn, with fake news. He reported, falsely, on a total blackout in Manhattan, on a flood on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and other things that didn’t happen.

He, in short, is a liar.  But those who believed him, those who fell for his lies only have themselves to blame.  For, you see, trusting someone who won’t use their name is the same thing as asking to be deceived.  Indeed, you’ve already bought into the deception by accepting as true what has been said from a foundation of falsehood.

Pseudonymity and anonymity online has no place in Western culture.   Sadly, the people at CNN aren’t smart enough to know that.  So they took this guy’s lies global.

Liars lie.  It’s what they do.  It’s who they are.

If You Only Read One News Report Today, It Should Be This One: Down Syndrome Athlete Responds to Coulter’s Use of ‘Retard’

A Special Olympics athlete with Down Syndrome has written an open letter to conservative columnist Ann Coulter, scolding her for using the word “retard” while criticizing President Obama.

The letter by John Franklin Stephens has quickly gained enormous support on the internet, but so far Coulter has not responded.

Stephens decided to write the letter Tuesday after Coulter sent a Twitter message during the presidential debates Monday saying approved of “(Mitt) Romney’s decision to be kind and gentle to the retard,” referring to Obama.

Coulter also used the word in a Tweet where she said that if Obama is “‘the smartest guy in the room’ it must be one retarded room.'”

The messages ignited a firestorm of responses from Twitter users who took issue with Coulter’s use of the word as an insult.

Stephens, who gives speeches and talks for Special Olympics as a “global messenger,” wrote an open letter criticizing Coulter for her choice of words and describing the struggles that people with mental handicaps face.

Go along and read it all.  I’m standing up now to applaud Mr. Stephens, a person far wiser than the perverse Coulter will ever be.

It’s The August Biblioblog Carnival! The ‘Look, There’s a List of Biblioblog Twitterers’ Edition

Naturally what that means is that posts from August are herein featured and perforce so too are some of those who twitter.*

I hope I’ve not missed any of the best of the best but I may have so I recommend that you skip on over to this Twitter list of bibliobloggers and you can follow them in real time as they post their golden nuggets of wisdom and insight.  [And if you’re a self declared biblioblogger and twitter-er and wish to be on the list, drop me a note][NB- Inclusion on the list isn’t a personal endorsement by yours truly.  Some of those on the list are just purveyors of rubbish nonsense but you might like them (if you have a sadly twisted sense of truth and falsehood or enjoy the self promoters)].

Hebrew Bible

You may not be familiar with Chuck Grantham but he does ‘notes’ on biblical texts which folk ought to drop in on.  In August his set on Judges is nicely written.

John Gentry showed that Sirach prophesied modern America’s gluttony and described how to avoid that particular sin…  🙂

Tim Bulkeley investigated a bit of Jeremiah (the best prophet of them all and way, way more interesting than Paul or Peter or James or Matthew or Mark or Luke…).  Tim also has a new book out you might want to take a look at titled ‘Not Only a Father‘.  It is…

… a new kind of book. (Though paperback copies of Not Only a Father are available.) A book you discuss with others, and with the author, as you read. It is available as a print edition (conventional “book”).  You can if you wish read a paper copy and then write comments or ask questions here :).  In each chapter and section there are small blue speech bubbles to the right of every paragraph. Click on them to see what others have said or to comment or ask questions yourself. If you have friends reading this book you can use the “Comments by user” link in the top menu to see what they have contributed to the discussion.

James Tabor discussed the recent attempts of a Jewish scholar to ‘correct’ the biblical text.  An essay worth reading, and considering.

The current edition of the Journal for the Study of the Old Testament appeared, with a number of interesting contributions, blogged here.  Reading journals is a great way to keep up with the current thinking on various subjects.  Every scholar and interested lay-person should be an avid journal reader (and book-reviewer, I should also add).

Julian Freeman offers Christians some guidelines for reading Old Testament narratives.  I don’t think our Jewish friends will find them very useful, but relatively conservative Christians may well do.  Although I have to say, if taken too seriously his suggestions may tend to eisegesis; so maybe these are really ways of reading the Old Testament that should probably be used only with the utmost care.

Dave Jenkins gives the theodicy question a go.  A long go.  A very long go.  Very, very lonnnggggggggg…..  But you should set aside a couple of days to read it.

Christian Brady took a look at the two fellows who went down to Moab-land and found themselves some foreign type wives and what God did to them for their Wanderlust…  Nice work, young Mr. Dr. Prof. Brady.

Jose Ayrton de Silva recommends some things that Erhard Gerstenberger has published.  Gerstenberger is fantastic and anytime anyone points folk to his work, I’m thrilled to pass it along.

Giant Remnants have a look at the upcoming film about Noah.  It’s a gigantic(ly) interesting (for the most part) post.

Otherwise, the Hebrew Bible people were pretty quiet.  They must be taking a Summer Sabbatical.  שבת-שלום  to them.

New Testament

Craig Benno did a little ‘review-let’ of Witherington’s commentary on 1 and 2 Corinthians.  He seemed to like it.  Evidently in it Witherington suggests that Saul changed his name to Paul because “Saulos has connotations of how a prostitute walks”.  Such a reading really makes no sense at all and seems to have first come into the mind of Leary and seen the light of day in an essay in New Testament Studies.  I prefer Lumby’s sane explanation (and, yes, that does imply that Leary’s isn’t) –

At this point we first meet the name by which the great Apostle is best known throughout the Christian Church, and many reasons have been given why he assumed this name, and why at this time. Some have thought that the name was adopted from the proconsul’s, his first convert of distinction, but this is utterly alien to all we know of the character of St Paul, with his sole glory in the cross of Christ. Far more likely is he to have been attracted to it, if it were not his before, by the meaning of the Latin word (paullus = little, see Ter. And. 1. 5. 31; Adelph. 5. 4. 22), and its fitness to be the name of him who called himself the least of the Apostles. But perhaps he did only what other Jews were in the habit of doing when they went into foreign lands, and chose him a name of some significance (for the Jews were fond of names with a meaning) among those with whom he was about to mix. Dean Howson (Life and Letters of St Paul, I. p. 164) compares Joses—Jason; Hillel—lulus, and probably the similarity of sound did often guide the choice of such a name, and it may have been so with the Apostle’s selection.  J.R. Lumby, The Acts of the Apostles. Cambridge Greek Testament for Schools and Colleges (241–242). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Furthermore, if you want to read a real commentary on 1 Corinthians, I highly recommend this one.  (Oh don’t look so surprised, you knew I was going to work him in somehow).  Another great commentary is Gordon Fee’s.  Coincidentally, Joel Green likes Fee’s volume a lot as well, as he mentions in an interview he gave on the Logos blog.

The always precious Carl Sweatman wrestled with Wrede.  You may not know this but Wrede was a German so he could easily take any pasty skinned Brit coming his way or even easier, an ex-pat American turned pasty skinned Brit.  It’s a fine post, truly.

Mike Kok, the Canadian Carl Sweatman (if you have ever met Mike you know what I mean) is taken with the Gospel of Mark and he posted in August this interesting piece on that little book.  He’ll give you something to cogitate.  (And yes, that’s the little fellow.  We invited him to have lunch in Sheffield a couple of years ago when I was passing through for SOTS).

Anthony LeDonne announced a Conference on the Historical Jesus.  Sure, he did it here, but honestly where else is he going to do it where it will be seen?  Joel’s Blog?  Bahahahahahaha….  But seriously it looks like a great opportunity so if you’re in Ohio you might want to show up.

Andrew Fulford has some interesting things to say – in dialogue with Winter – about 1 Cor 7.  It’s here.

Brian Davidson has news of a new Greek Grammar coming soon.  He seems to be very excited about it.  I like Robertson’s huge 1100+ page monster but kids these days don’t have attention spans sufficient to grapple with that one.  Kids these days….

Also in the ‘things Greek’ category, Dan Wallace had an interesting snippet on the proper pronunciation of Koine.  You know, the old ‘Erasmian’ pronunciation v. some other silly system thing that seems to make the rounds every decade or so.  His remarks about Blass are especially noteworthy.  Wallace also makes the sad, sad announcement that codex 1799 has died.  Or rather, has suffered demise.  Demisement?  Demising?  It’s shuffled off this mortal coil.

The good folk at Oxford have initiated a new project to get those mountains of Oxyranchus Papyri transcribed and translated.  And they are asking for your help.  You can discover the details here.

The vaguely familiar Nijay Gupta (whom I always, in my mind, call Sanjay but not Sanjia) wrote a fine, albeit brief, review of a book about some guy named Paul.  Ugh.  With Chris Tilling’s book on Paul appearing this month it’s just all more Paul than any of us should have to endure.  More John, less Paul!

Dom Mattos ran a contest (and if you RUSH right over you still might have a chance to enter) on the T&T Clark blog.  I’ll let you find out for yourself what it’s about.  Just a hint:  think Jesus, and his milieu.

Luke Wisley (not to be confused with Ron Weasley) posted a short notice on a roundtable discussion of Michael Licona’s book on the resurrection of Jesus.  I’ve added a link to the blogroll to Luke’s page- he’s moving to Edinburgh to study.  We’re expecting big things from him.

Cliff Kvidahl posts ever so briefly on the forthcoming edition of the Greek New Testament called NA28 and its adoption of a reading in Jude which Cliff is overjoyed with (over, about).  It does indeed look like a fantastic revision.  And it even has its own website.

Johnson Thomaskutty has an intriguing post on Paul and women (featuring Dom Crossan). If you missed it (and face it, you probably did), give it a read.  You may well have not read James McGrath’s post on the scanner as mark of the beast lunacy  (and that suggestion has been around as long as scanners have been around) but you should.  Just don’t trip over the popup ads which festoon Patheos.  And after you read it, be sure to run your virus scanning software because popups are evil and are probably themselves the mark of the beast.

James Crossley made an indecent proposal.  Vintage James.  It’s just got to be read.  And yes, it has to do with Biblical Studies.

Larry Schiffman addressed the always intriguing question of ‘who is a Jew’.  And speaking of Larry…

Dead Sea Scrolls

In August Lawrence Schiffman took up the blogging pen and the twitter quill and commenced to join the happy family of biblioblogging twitterers.  He’s – it goes without saying – worth reading.  He also posted a document on the whole Raphael Golb fiasco which you can, and must, read here.

Jim Tabor (who recently seems to have come to the conclusion that regular blogging is something worth doing- because he’s been doing it a lot) took a look at a phrase in the Scrolls also alluded to by, he asserts, Jesus as, he asserts, recorded by Q.  It’s a quite interesting thought.  He may be on to something.

Geza Vermes appeared on BBC Radio with Paul McCarthy, as we learn here.

And ASOR announced that in September on the ASOR blog the focus will be the Dead Sea Scrolls and Qumran.  Jodi Magness and James Charlesworth are contributing, along with Stephen Pfann.  It will be worth checking out.


There was yet another round of ‘the Lead Codices’ from Jordan need a fresh view’ led by Margaret Barker (whose various idiosyncratic views stand to gain support if the codices are legitimate).  But Jim Davila expressed himself rather forcefully on the subject to the contrary.

In Israel an archaeologist discussed what she believes to be the discovery of the oldest matches yet uncovered.  It’s a really interesting story and it proves that sometimes things aren’t what we first imagine them to be.  And a young guy who dug this Summer shares his experience on the ASOR blog.  See, digging in dirt isn’t just for 3 year olds!

Bob Cargill shared a video with the gang- it’s an impromptu lecture at Azekah on lmlk seals.  Alas, poor lmlk, we knew him well…  Oh, and Bob also posted a cooler video– of his little boy taking those important first steps.    He’s a smart little guy and adorable too.  He gets all that from his mom.

David ‘The Canuck’ Meadows had a great post titled ‘The iPad in Archaeology‘.  Who knew that Goliath didn’t just have a big bowl and spoon, but an iPad too!  (At least, I think that’s what the post is about.  You’ll have to read it for yourself).

Antonio Lombatti says, concerning Bethsaida- Bethsaida, la città di Andrea e Filippo citata diverse volte nel Nuovo Testamento e promossa a polis da Erode Filippo I nel 30 d.C., è al centro di numerosi scavi. E si cercano sempre fondi per finanziare la costosa campagna archeologica.  I like Antonio and his work.  I call him, when I’m sitting in the living room and watching ‘Mythbusters’, “Antonio the Mythbuster Lombatti”.  #Fact.

Aren Maeir announced the good news about the City of David excavation report.  I sure wish they’d find a seal with a great inscription about David at an undisturbed layer in an untouched square.  Seriously.  He also announced the dates for the 2013 Gath excavation season.

Miscellaneous Stuff

Phil Long is now the master host of the Biblioblog Carnival and he kicked off his reign as Lord and Grand Potentate on 1 August with this really brilliant contribution.

James Crossley offered a conference announcement at Leeds.  Ah, Reception History, you’re all the rage.   There’s another conference announcement that was made in August (for something happening 1-2 September, so there’s not much time for you to fly to Australia for it) by the Mustache that looks like a giant ferret.

Brian LePort discussed Jack Levison’s book on the Holy Spirit.  Who doesn’t love a good discussion of the Holy Spirit (except the pentebabbleists who would rather babble and blather about their only interests- pseudo-healings and pseudo-languages).

Mark Goodacre looked upwards, and sideways, in order to discover how blogs, or more particularly, biblioblogs, interact these days.  These dark, dark, dark dreadful days of darkness and, I might add, nightfall.  How we all pine for the grand old days when there were only 10 biblioblogs and none of them were authored by those pesky ‘feel good’ women folk or the angry atheists or the rabble rousing trouble-making political activists.  Darn-it I’ve digressed.  Mark’s post is thoughtful and forward looking and it deserves your attention.  As does everything Mark writes.  Except, of course, for his dismissal of Q.  THAT’S just the crazy talk of a man who spends too much time watching cricket!

Dave Jenkins takes a brief look at the history of the church and the process of the canonization of the biblical books.  It’s pretty good, though a bit too fawning of the Church Fathers.  (The Fathers, except for Jerome, what a wretched lot of weirdos).

On the ‘mythicist’ front Joel Watts takes someone named Dick Carrier to the woodshed for his (apparent) dreadful inability to comprehend basic ideas concerning texts.  The ever-growing discussion of the mythicists and their bad thinking will, I think, be finally put to rest when Maurice Casey publishes his book on the subject.  I hope so anyway.  Mythicists are as tiresome as the peddlers of the ‘Lead Codices’.

Speaking of the bizarre, Rod Thomas’s post on some comic book (and his ability to wrest something worth discussing from the most banal rubbish) is ‘interesting’ reading.  Why, you ask, do I mention it if I think little of it?  Because, tiny pilgrim, I understand that what doesn’t interest me may – for some godless reason – interest others.

And when it comes to the really bizarre- we have the angry atheists.  Christian Brady, always a delight and a half to read, offers some observations on the atheist on atheist violence taking place these days.  The fetid angry atheists; they’re devouring themselves.  I can’t really say it saddens me (but that’s a strictly editorial comment).

Chris Tilling gives readers a chance to take a quiz; because, heaven knows, students don’t take enough quizzes and Profs don’t have enough of quizzing either.  Still, it’s a fun quiz because it includes Bultmann- the greatest New Testament exegete of all time bar none.

Sadly, Marvin Meyer passed away in August.  First mention came here.  Shockingly, the Telegraph posted an obituary that was gross plagiarism!  Mark Goodacre has all the sordid details.  We also lost Carlo Martini, a very, very fine biblical scholar and a Cardinal in the Roman Catholic Church.  He will be missed by progressive Catholics and biblical scholars alike.

But on the up side, August 20th was the anniversary of the birth of the greatest New Testament scholar of all time, Rudolf Karl Bultmann.  And that’s the way life is.  We celebrate birth’s and we lament deaths.  Even in the realm of biblical scholarship (and even if the media doesn’t ever notice, given, as it is, to it’s fawning over pseudo-celebrity).

Your friend and mine Eric Cline celebrates his birthday today- September 1.  ‘Great Archaeology’ has a little bio….  (see here for the backstory to this little tiny snippet of mockery… you’ll see what I mean- for this is the picture of Eric that that silly site posted.  I reduplicate it here in case they have by now changed it.  Which they should have done!).  Anyway, happiest of Birthday’s, Eric!

Finally it grieves my tender, gentle spirit to note the passing of Maire Byrne’s blog.  It died on August 19, 2011.   Mit Brennenden Sorge

But it gives me cause to rejoice that Michael Pahl (all the old timer bloggers know him) is back to blogging.  Yeah.

Gentle souls and wandering pilgrims, fleeting swallows and rampaging ravens- I hope your visit has been a delight.  Now off with you.


*Naturally all who feel slighted or offended, or who are hurt in any way whatsoever either because they were included or ignored or because some of the descriptions above are ‘colorful’, need simply file a complaint with the BBC’s Standards division for a full refund of their purchase price.

Twitter is Insane

I searched a bit ago for the Catholic Biblical Association (wondering if it has a twitter feed. It doesn’t. Why not?). Anyway, the fact that it came back and recommended the likes of Rick Warren and TD Jakes shows just how insane Twitter is. Warren and Jakes are to Catholic biblical scholarship what a cockroach is to a tasty dinner.

Twitter- you need better algorithms. Clearly.

40 So Far

As of a few minutes ago the ‘Biblioblogger’ twitter list includes 40 self described bibliobloggers.  You’re, again, welcome to let me know if you’d like to be included.  The list is here.  Feel free to subscribe.  And if ANYONE knows how I can add myself to the list I’d be grateful.

I’m aiming for the list to be as inclusive as possible so that everyone (who seems sane and who has a blog related to the Bible) is added.  This list may, I think, help those interested in biblical studies and related things keep up with what the bibliobloggers are doing.

So, again, if you’d be so kind as to help spread the word- both of the list’s existence and the ‘open call’ for inclusion I’d be indebted (though not so indebted as to send you money).

Twitter Fraud- Beware

Whilst checking the twitter this morning I noticed I had a direct message, apparently from TM Law:

So I thought, wow, someone else is mad at me about something… isn’t that odd…   And, by the way, it did seem odd that Law would direct message me when he could more easily have dropped me an email or a facebook note.  The phrase ‘this user’ also seemed strange.  Why not just name the name?  So, needless to say, I was suspicious.

But I clicked the link and was taken to this page:

None of which seemed right.  First, I was clearly signed in to twitter (else I wouldn’t have seen the DM).  Second, notice the date at the bottom of the page: 2011.  Am I really to believe that twitter hasn’t updated its page since 2011?  I don’t think so.  So I did not, and would not, send in my username or password.  It’s got to be fraud and potentially computer hacking.

All of which is to say, if you get a vague direct message and then a login page, don’t fall for it.  Someone, somewhere definitely is mad at you, and frankly who cares.

Besides, as the links below show, this is a scam that’s been around.  The folk who purportedly direct message you have had their info stolen, so you might want to warn them.

I’m Sad Too…

For the thousands of Syrians who have lost loved ones to the tyrant who rules that troubled land.  So while I feel sorry for the family of Whitney Houston, she was just one person, and she wasn’t the victim of anyone’s choices but her own.

I continue to wonder at the celebrity worship of modern America.  Twitter went aflame last night because of Houston’s death but most of the twitterverse is silent and has been when it comes to the suffering of the Syrians.

This morning GMA has spent nearly the entire hour talking about Houston- more time than they’ve devoted in a month to the horrors taking place in Homs, Syria.

I’m sad too- for a Country so fixated on stardom and entertainment that the lives of persons not involved in the fun business (that includes famous computer makers too) just don’t matter.

America will be great again when the non-jock-entertainer-actor-singer-computer designer’s of the world matter as much to us, corporately, as those who sing and dance and throw balls and give us toys.

You’re right.  We will never be great again, because that will never happen.

Oh Come ON! I Know Bloggers WAY Less Interesting Than Them!

In fact 99% of all the bloggers I know are 200% less interesting! It’s just wrong, then, to list that lot as the least interesting people of 2011. Who’s less interesting than Mark Stevens? Or Joel Watts? Tell me!

Needless to say, Gawker isn’t all that impressed with Barbara Walters’ annual list of the year’s 10 most fascinating people. The good news is, that didn’t stop blogger Seth Abramovitch from offering up his own list, of the year’s 10 least fascinating people, in response:

  • Piers Morgan: “The turnip-headed reality star turned CNN seat-filler loves Twitter wars and speaking over his guests almost as much as no one give … about him.”
  • Brett Ratner: Despite getting himself in the middle of an Oscars-related controversy this year, he “remains the least interesting filmmaker of his generation” and you probably can’t think of a single interesting scene in a movie he’s made.

This is exactly why all such ‘best of’ lists are pure moron-ism.  Publish a ‘best of’ or ‘worst of’ list and you prove yourself a fool.

Yes, You Can Still Win A Copy of the Common English Bible

I’m still giving away copies (as authorized by the good people at the CEB).  Each Thursday I announce the week’s winner and this week that’s Boch!  If you entered and didn’t win, try again.  Just tell me why, in comments, you want a copy.

The CEB is a grand translation and quite useful indeed.  Especially for persons unfamiliar with the Bible and afraid to use older translations because they make little to no sense.

Doug Iverson has already won and so has Kyle Owenby, Luke Chandler (and now Boch too).   I’ll be giving away one copy each week for quite a few months (through the end of January).

If you’d like to learn more, visit here.  And if you’d like to interact with the CEB folk, you can do it on Facebook or Twitter.

Rick Larsen Fired Three Staffers Because they Told the Truth

Three young staffers in the office of Rep. Rick Larsen (D-Wash.) were fired Thursday after a political blog printed a series of messages they’d apparently exchanged on Twitter about drinking in the office and how much they hate their boss. The NW Daily Marker preserved the tweets from the now-deactived accounts.

Here’s my favorite-

“I could have used another day away. The silver lining is that I don’t have to see my idiot boss.”

Apparently Larsen doesn’t like being charged with public idiocy but he is a politician, he is in Washington, and like the rest of the rat pack up there, he’s incapable of solving problems.  That pretty much earns him the title of idiot doesn’t it.

But here’s the best part-

Larsen “has made it clear that he will not tolerate this kind of behavior,” the statement said.

If he objects to idiocy, shouldn’t he fire himself?

You Can Still Win a Copy of the Common English Bible

All you have to do is let me know why you want it and I’ll announce the winner next Thursday.  It’s a grand translation and quite useful indeed.  Especially for persons unfamiliar with the Bible and afraid to use older translations because they make little to no sense.

Doug Iverson has already won and so has Kyle Owenby.   I’ll be giving away one copy each week for quite a few months (through the end of January).

If you’d like to learn more, visit here.  And if you’d like to interact with the CEB folk, you can do it on Facebook or Twitter.

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‘Christians’ Praying for George Michael to Die Aren’t Christians

I think everyone knows I have theological issues with homosexuality.  But praying for someone to die simply because they are gay?  That’s neither proper nor Christian.

After the Daily Mail reported that Michael’s family and long-time partner Fadi Fawaz had gathered at his bedside in Vienna, Christians For A Moral America took to Twitter, claiming the singer “has AIDS” and calling for followers to pray for the his demise in light of his “satanic lifestyle.”

It seems to me that praying for someone to die is far more satanic than a particular distorted behavior.   Why not pray for all gluttons to die?  Or adulterers?  Or liars?  Those are sinners too…

This kind of thing is sickening.  See the link for the tweets in question.  I haven’t the stomach to post them.  Those tweeters are as totally depraved as Fred Phelps.

Win a Copy of the Common English Bible

All you have to do is let me know why you want it and I’ll announce the winner next Thursday.  It’s a grand translation and quite useful indeed.  Especially for persons unfamiliar with the Bible and afraid to use older translations because they make little to no sense.

Doug Iverson has already won and I’ll be giving away one copy each week for quite a few months (through the end of January).

If you’d like to learn more, visit here.  And if you’d like to interact with the CEB folk, you can do it on Facebook or Twitter.

Dear Lord, Why Didn’t Someone Try to Talk Ashley Billasano Out of It?

This is so depressing:

A Texas teen tweeted 144 times in six hours about being molested by a family member and being forced into prostitution. Then 18-year-old Ashley Billasano killed herself—after announcing to some 500 Twitter followers she was going to do just that, reports the Houston Chronicle. No one sought help for her, reports Fox News Houston.

No one????  Out of 500 people not one of them thought to say ‘hey, this girl needs help and by heavens I’m going to be there for her while everyone else has failed her’?  Were NONE of those people Christian enough to act?

Billasano went to authorities a year ago to report sex abuse, but there was not enough evidence for charges, said officials. “That’s when I changed,” she tweeted. “I didn’t care anymore and the people I was meeting gave me no reason to.” Finally, she announced plans for her suicide.”I’d love to hear what you have to say, but I won’t be around,” she added. Her last tweet: “I hope I get this right.”

Are people really so up into themselves so far that they can’t even hear the cry of a desperate child?????  What a country.  What a culture.

The Post Reformation Digital Library is Updating and Revamping

It’s a fantastic resource which I use almost every day (if not every day).  There’s the site– which is under re-construction (they’re redesigning it), and there’s their Facebook page (where you can also check out a preview of their redesign) and there’s their Twitter feed.  All of it’s worth noting and using.

I commend it to your attention.

Look, Let’s Face it, Some Animal Rights People are too Stupid for Words

Here’s an example of a bad idea: You’re a famous actor with more than 54,000 followers on Twitter, so when you decide you can no longer keep your cat, you give her away … on Twitter. That’s what Chris Pratt did, and he’s now facing the wrath of cat lovers on the Internet, Gawker notes. It all started when Pratt tweeted, “Anyone in the LA area want a cat? Full disclosure, she’s old and prone to accidents. So sweet though. And was in Stuart Little. (literally).” The tweet has since been deleted, but People has a screenshot.

Death threats? For giving a cat away? It’s not like he killed the bloody thing- and even if he had, death threats? Over a cat???

Come on.  That’s total depravity for certain.