Are Theologians Today Weaklings? An Observation

Are they milchtoasty and so accepting of deviant ideas because they don’t want to seem intolerant or offend anyone?  Yes.  Are too many theologians more committed to being popular best-sellers than tradents of the Holy Faith?  Yes.  Are too many theologians today more concerned with seeming ‘nice’ than being orthodox?  Yes.

Consequently, theology is – for the majority even of Christians – invisible.  Theologian / Churchmen (women) are a dying breed and it is the Church itself which is suffering for it.

Further, too few Pastors are theologians.  Too many are business majors who run the Body of Christ as though it were a Wal-Mart.  Thinking theologically too is a dying art, and it is the Church itself which is suffering for it.

Today With Zwingli: Über den ungesandten Sendbrief Fabers Zwinglis Antwort

On the 30th of April, 1526, Huldrych Zwingli published his Über den ungesandten Sendbrief Fabers Zwinglis Antwort.  Zwingli had been forbidden by the Zurich Magistrates to attend the Baden Disputation (because they knew he would be killed) and when his friend Oecolampadius sent him a copy of Fabers ‘Answer’ to Zwingli’s reformatory efforts, Zwingli was forced to reply.

The title of the book itself is a swipe at Faber’s rather uncharitable behavior, for rather than sending Zwingli a copy of his own work, Faber failed to do so.  It was simply customary, in the 16th century, to send your theological adversaries any work you produced which addressed theirs.  Faber didn’t.  So Zwingli swings away- ‘Concerning the Letter Faber Didn’t Send (To Me Directly!), Zwingli’s Answer!’

The book is itself made up of 65 short paragraphs (and some not so short) responding point by point to Faber’s critique.  It is brutally direct and just the sort of thing that makes the 16th Century theologians so fun to read.

Luther: On Those Who Willingly Believe Lies

lutherWhat if my pastor preached to me like this: “Listen! I will now deliver a sermon. Three parts of it will be lies and the fourth part will be true”—and, moreover, he did not distinguish for me which were the three parts or which the fourth part? If I, nevertheless, blindly believed everything, then please tell me, what basis I would have for accusing such a pastor on the Last Day of having deceived me? He would answer me (just as the devil himself would): “I have not deceived you, but you deceived yourself. I warned you that I would lie to you, and you wanted to have the lies.” — Martin Luther

Ending The Day With Luther

One should draw from the source and diligently read the Bible. For a man who knows the text is also an extraordinary theologian. One passage or one text from the Bible is worth more than the glosses of four writers who aren’t reliable and thorough.   –  Martin Luther

Quote of the Week

From the twitter-

@JYuter: Those who say “#YOLO” lose their share in the world to come, if for no other reason than denying resurection #TwitterPsak


Happy G.W. Locher Day

April 29, 1911Gottfried W. Locher was born. His contributions to the field of Reformation studies were so influential that when he was honored with a Festschrift, it took two volumes to house all the essays that were requested. Indeed, in 1992 and 1993 the annual publications of Zwingliana were devoted to this two part Festschrift for Locher.   Volume one is available here and volume two here.   His complete bibliography, which is the last entry of the FS, is here.

The world received a real gift back in 1911. And those interested in the Swiss Reformation not only need to be familiar with his name, they need to be thoroughly acquainted with his work.  Overlooking it would be as big a mistake as overlooking Bultmann’s contributions to New Testament studies and von Rad’s contributions to Old Testament research.

The portrait of Zwingli in the black frame in the photos above graced the wall of his study for many years, and now it graces mine.  His son was kind enough to send it to me as a gift after his father’s passing.  I will always appreciate it immensely.

Don’t Move to Louisiana- They Don’t Want Kids Who Work (!) To Have Lunch Breaks (!!!)

First, child labor…. they think it’s cool down there.  Second, now the reprobates want to stop making kids take lunch breaks.  What a cesspool.

A proposed bill is threatening a Louisiana law that requires minors to take a 30-minute break if they work five or more hours.  …

The bill, proposed by Rep. Roger Wilder, is part of a broad effort by Republicans in the state to weaken labor unions and strengthen employers’ hands.

Wilder argued that a break shouldn’t be a requirement, but instead, minors should be able to choose to take a break, because they should be treated as adults.

“Give me a break they’re young adults,” Wilder said on the House floor. “The emancipation age is 16, you’re allowed to marry at 16, you’re allowed to drive at 16. Those are all adult actions.”

Republicans in the State want to enslave children.  They ought to just say it, because that’s what they want to do.  Free slave labor provided by children.  Imagine the profits!  And that’s what they want.  Money is their god.  Hell is their destiny.

More Fun From Melanchthon

Zum Dritten, so ist Schweisz ein wild ungehalten Volk, und so es gewaltig wird, wird es mehr Kunheit und Frevel erzeigen, wie warlich Zwingli von vielen Sachen frevelich und heidnisch geredt. Derhalben wir uns billig vor der Schweiszer Gemeinschaft besorgen.  –  P.M.

Because the more you know…