Planned Parenthood Harvested Organs While Babies Were Still Alive, Including Brain Tissue

A new undercover sting video released today shows testimony of a former StemExpress procurement technician who said Planned Parenthood harvested organs from babies whose hearts were still beating. The video, which was released by the Center for Medical Progress, is the seventh in a series of videos unmasking Planned Parenthood’s baby body parts trafficking scheme.

These people really are vile. Not just evil, demonic. And the wicked perverse souls who cringe at comparing abortion to the Nazi death camps are just as guilty as the murderers at Planned Parenthood for winking at the murder of children.

Americans Are Appalled By Horrific Deeds, But Not Bothered Enough to Change Policy

Even before rogue abortionist Kermit Gosnell was convicted in Philadelphia on May 13 of delivering and then killing late-term infants, abortion opponents were convinced they had a case that could reshape an abortion debate that has remained static over the years.

After the verdict, they were even more confident.

“Dr. Gosnell is only the front man; and the real trial has only just begun. The defendant is the abortion license in America,” Robert P. George, a Princeton law professor and leading conservative activist, wrote after a jury convicted Gosnell of three counts of first-degree murder for snipping the spines of babies after botched abortions.


David Gibson may think that there are several reasons why Gosnell’s sick and twisted murderous behavior won’t be a change-influence but it all really boils down to just one:

Americans may act appalled by horrific deeds, but they’re not bothered enough to change policy.  They aren’t bothered by abortion on demand.  They aren’t bothered by drunk drivers constantly murdering innocent victims.  They aren’t bothered by the negative effects of climate change.  And they aren’t bothered by much of anything (as long as they have sports, money, drugs and food, nothing else really matters).  Appalled?  Oh sure, for about 5 seconds.  Bothered?  Not even for 1 second.

America’s Culture of Promiscuity is Inexorably Connected to its Culture of Death

In a quite intelligent essay titled ‘Why my support for abortion was based on love… and lies’, Jennifer Fulwiler writes-

I came to see that our culture’s widespread use and acceptance of contraception had led to this mentality toward sex being the default position. As a society, we’d come to take it for granted that we’re entitled to the pleasurable and bonding aspects of sex — even when we’re in a state of being vehemently opposed to any new life it might produce. The option of abstaining from the act that creates babies when we feel like we’d be unable to care for a baby had been removed from the cultural lexicon. Even if it would be a huge crisis to get pregnant, you have a right to have sex anyway, the cultural wisdom whispered.

Indeed.  The fact is, America’s culture of promiscuity is inexorably connected to its culture of death; for when one has no respect for the consequences of one’s actions, one feels free to remove any encumbrance to that imagined freedom- even if that encumbrance is a nascent human being.

Thanks to James Spinti for pointing the essay out on FB.

Faux Anger: the Case of the Chinese Abortion of a 7 Month Old Fetus

Chinese authorities have vowed to punish officials who forced a woman who was seven-months pregnant to have an abortion in a case that has sparked outrage over methods used to impose strict family planning rules.  Officials forced the woman, Feng Jianmei, who is in her 20s, to have an abortion at a hospital in the northwestern province of Shaanxi in June, state media reported.  The woman’s treatment drew the attention of national media and the fury of China’s micro bloggers after her husband posted pictures online of her with her aborted baby girl on a hospital bed.

via Google Images

Unfortunately there are countless abortions performed around the world every day and I find the public outcry against this particular and singular case both absurd and ridiculous. It’s faux anger. It’s anger without a basis because many of the people ‘outraged’ by the act of the Chinese government have no problem at all if their teen daughter trundles down to the local abortion clinic and sees to the murder of her 7 week old baby.  After all, there’s absolutely NO difference, morally, between murdering a 7 week old infant and a 7 month old one.

All you who are occupying your high horse of outrage need to climb down from it unless you’re willing to be consistent and assert that abortion is murder.  If you aren’t willing to stand up for a 7 week old you have no credibility to stand up for a 7 month old.

Illegal Abortions Based on the Sex of the Baby

The Telegraph has a report today which demonstrates that abortions are performed simply on the basis of the sex of the baby:

Women are being granted illegal abortions by doctors based on the sex of their unborn baby, an undercover investigation by The Daily Telegraph reveals. … Doctors at British clinics have been secretly filmed agreeing to terminate foetuses purely because they are either male or female. Clinicians admitted they were prepared to falsify paperwork to arrange the abortions even though it is illegal to conduct such “sex-selection” procedures. Andrew Lansley, the Health Secretary, said: “I’m extremely concerned to hear about these allegations. Sex selection is illegal and is morally wrong. I’ve asked my officials to investigate this as a matter of urgency.”

Morally wrong…. there’s an understatement.  So, if you want a boy but you’re carrying a girl, just kill her.  That’s simply evil, it isn’t just immoral.

Today is ‘Sanctity of Life Day’

So, many Churches across the SBC will be thinking about the value of human life and the holocaust called abortion.

In America – on average – there are 1,210,000 abortions performed annually.  That means that in less than a decade more people are killed than perished in the Holocaust.  It also means that in just a few years we kill more children than have been killed in every war we have ever fought, combined.

Personally I find abortion on demand a damnable disgusting dreadful terror.  Women who don’t wish to be mothers because their careers matter more simply should either abstain from sexual congress or use protection in multiple layers.  Women who wish to remain childless are perfectly within their rights to do so.  God bless them.  What they may not do, however, is snuff out the life they have allowed to occur simply because they wish to deem themselves more important.

I find it, finally, completely ironic that those who defend most loudly the murder of children are the very people least likely to support capital punishment when grown adults have cruelly murdered others.  For them, killing a child is ok but putting to death a killer is a wickedness.

There are cases when abortion may be permissible.  Two, in fact.  1) when the life of the mother is in danger.  And 2) in the cases of rape or incest.  But even those decisions ought not to be lightly considered.  Mom and God have to have a heart to heart and then mom has to be at peace with her choice.

Abortion on demand should be illegal.  (And I know most of you won’t like that, but that’s just too bad).  Tossing out a life just for the sake of your own selfishness is barbarism.  It really is an indicator of truly depraved humanity.  And the Church shouldn’t stand by silently while it happens.

Murdering Multiple Children: Abortion to Cut Down on Multiple Births


Fetus at 38 weeks after fertilization 3D Pregn...


More than 100 unborn babies were aborted last year by women expecting twins, triplets or even quintuplets but who wanted to give birth to fewer children, official figures disclosed to The Telegraph show.

Of the 85 women undergoing selective reductions last year, 51 were reducing a pregnancy from twins to a single baby, up from 30 four years before.

There were also 20 abortions to reduce triplets to twins and nine procedures to take a pregnancy from triplets to a single child.
The other terminations counted in the 2010 data were three mothers who reduced four foetuses to two, and two mothers who reduced five to two.

Separate figures from the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority, show that almost one third of selective abortions carried out in 2009 involved pregnancies that were a result of fertility treatment.

Just simply disgusting. These folk give a new and depraved meaning to ‘thinning the herd’.

If You’re Outraged by This, Why Aren’t You Outraged at the Tens of Thousands of Children Disposed of Similarly via Abortion?

American hypocrisy in terms of its treatment of the young is unbounded.  On one hand everyone with even a fragment of a heart is outraged to read

The body of 7-year-old Georgia girl missing since Friday was found in a trash compactor at her apartment complex, officials announced Monday.  It appears Jorelys Rivera of Canton, Ga., was sexually assaulted and severely beaten, Vernon Keenan, director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, told reporters

but on the other we turn a blind eye to the unbelievable number of children tossed in bio-hazard dumpsters by the abortion industry.  It’s disgusting.  And the death of any child is mourn-worthy.  So where’s America’s outrage at abortion?

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Abortion Laws Will be Tightened

Abortion laws are set to be tightened by the Government in the biggest shake-up in a generation.

So says the Telegraph. It continues

The Department of Health is to announce plans for a new system of independent counselling for women before they finally commit to terminating a pregnancy. The move is designed to give women more “breathing space”.

Pro-life campaigners suggest the change could result in up to 60,000 fewer abortions each year in Britain. Last year, 202,400 were carried out.

The plan would introduce a new obligation on abortion clinics to offer women access to independent counselling, to be run on separate premises by a group which does not itself carry out abortions.

This is a good and proper step in the direction of what should be the eventual elimination of abortion on demand.  Abortion should be legal only in cases of rape, incest, and if the mother’s life is in danger.  And none even then without serious consideration.  It may be the woman’s ‘choice’ but that ‘choice’ affects at least one life directly and many other lives indirectly.  Women who have abortions merely because they don’t want to be bothered with a baby should have considered the consequences before they had sexual relations and not after.

Oh MY! The Vatican is Back to its 16th Century ‘Indulgences’ Ways!

I hope this is a farce.  If not, as soon as the coin in the coffer rings, the aborting mother from purgatory springs

The Vatican is marking World Youth Day celebrations in Madrid by offering women who have had abortions an easy way to become Catholics again, reports the Guardian. Abortion is punishable by instant excommunication and “normally, only certain priests have the power to lift such an excommunication, but the local diocese has decided to give all the priests taking confession at the event this power,” explains a spokesman for Pope Benedict XVI.

Be sure to drop the offering in the collection plate, and rest assured, if a Roman priest forgives you, God has to as well…  You just have to make holy pilgrimage to Madrid (where your tourist dollars are much appreciated in these trying times).

[Apparently Luther didn’t make as big an impact on the Tetzels of the world as we had hoped].

It’s Too Late for Rallies: The Church has Lost the Culture War

We lost on abortion, we lost on school prayer, and we lost on gay marriage.  Now it is simply a matter of time before gay marriage is a nationwide reality, just like abortion is and just like the refusal to allow teachers to lead kids in prayer at the opening of the school day.

So ‘rallying’ won’t help.  It. Just. Won’t.  The die has been cast.  The Church went to sleep in the 60’s (with the ‘sexual revolution’) and for the most part still is slumbering.  The few voices that have been crying in the wilderness calling for revival and renewal have been silenced by the ‘Christians’ (in name only) urging cultural acquiescence and the society at large calling for ‘freedom and tolerance’ (of every deviance).

By our (and by our, I mean Christianity’s) silence and collusion on issues clearly bearing on society and theology and their intersection, we have made our bed and now we get to lie in it and there’s nothing more to be done except await the inevitable.

Once more, this invaluable citation comes to mind-

Jeremiah, don’t pray for these people. Don’t cry or pray for them. I won’t listen when they call to me for help in times of trouble.  (Jer 11:4).

7 Mothers Murdered their Children and they Aren’t In Prison for It

Because they murdered them before they were to be born and they called it abortion and they did it because, get this now, the children would have cleft palates.

Seven babies were aborted last year after their parents discovered their unborn children had cleft palate, new figures showed today. The data was among newly released statistics showing the number of late abortions which was made public after a High Court ruling. No late abortions were carried out for cleft palate but the figures showed seven pregnancies were terminated before 24 weeks for that reason.


A total of 29 terminations were for chromosomal problems, including 10 for Down’s syndrome and 10 for Edwards’ syndrome. In 2005, one baby was aborted after 24 weeks because of cleft palate – the only case recorded in the last eight years.

Most distressingly

Other data released by the Government showed there were 3,718 abortions to under-16s in England in 2010, including 2,676 to 15-year-olds, 906 to 14-year-olds, 134 to 13-year-olds and two to 12-year-olds. One 11-year-old had an abortion in 2008, alongside one 11-year-old in 2005 and one in 2002.

Teens and preteens are following in their elder’s footsteps and murdering their children. And none of them are in prison for it. And the vast majority of them did it not to spare the life of the mother but because they viewed their own children as toss-aways not worthy of life.


Friedman on the Bible and Abortion

Richard Elliott Friedman has an interesting essay (which admittedly serves to promote his book) in the HuffPo on the subject of the Old Testament and abortion.

Two things come to mind:

1- The bible doesn’t speak of abortion directly because the practice, though known, wasn’t made use of by ancient Israelites or early Christians.


2- There’s only one text which supervises all attitudes towards life and death:  ‘You shall not murder!’

Hence there’s no need to worry overmuch that the Bible doesn’t address the subject of abortion directly.  The theological underpinning of any anti-abortion attitude is the anti-murder commandment.  Those wishing to justify the practice of abortion have to hurdle that insurmountable obstacle.  It is a Himalaya which one might fly over or circumnavigate but one which cannot climb without external aid.