Abortion Laws Will be Tightened

Abortion laws are set to be tightened by the Government in the biggest shake-up in a generation.

So says the Telegraph. It continues

The Department of Health is to announce plans for a new system of independent counselling for women before they finally commit to terminating a pregnancy. The move is designed to give women more “breathing space”.

Pro-life campaigners suggest the change could result in up to 60,000 fewer abortions each year in Britain. Last year, 202,400 were carried out.

The plan would introduce a new obligation on abortion clinics to offer women access to independent counselling, to be run on separate premises by a group which does not itself carry out abortions.

This is a good and proper step in the direction of what should be the eventual elimination of abortion on demand.  Abortion should be legal only in cases of rape, incest, and if the mother’s life is in danger.  And none even then without serious consideration.  It may be the woman’s ‘choice’ but that ‘choice’ affects at least one life directly and many other lives indirectly.  Women who have abortions merely because they don’t want to be bothered with a baby should have considered the consequences before they had sexual relations and not after.