Jeremiah’s Right

The LORD said, “Jeremiah, don’t ask me to help these people. They may even go without eating and offer sacrifices to please me and to give thanks. But when they cry out for my help, I won’t listen, and I won’t accept their sacrifices. Instead, I’ll send war, starvation, and disease to wipe them out.” Jer 14:11-12

#ICYMI- Big News from Elon Musk

Via Phil *The Biblicator* Long.  My monthly salary will be $1,000,000,000.

UPDATE:  He still hasn’t bought the Carnival as you can tell (otherwise it would be on time every month and fun).  I guess he wasn’t being honest..

Quote of the Day

This will surely he known as the Age of Credulity. Television advertisements can safely assume in viewers a fathomless credulity, compared with which the most outrageous superstitions and supernatural manifestations seem credible. Believing nothing results in believing anything. –  Malcolm Muggeridge

May 2, 1507

That, if you aren’t sure, is the date upon which Luther celebrated his first Mass.  Of that occasion Luther remarked

“When I was about to hold my first mass, my father sent twenty gulden for food and came with twenty persons, all of whom he put up. Somebody said to him, ‘You must have a good friend here that you should come to visit him with such a large company,’ etc.

“When at length I stood before the altar and was to consecrate, I was so terrified by the words aeterno vivo veto Deo that I thought of running away from the altar and said to my prior, ‘Reverend Father, I’m afraid I must leave the altar.’ He shouted to me, ‘Go ahead, faster, faster!’

“So terrified was I by those words! Already I had forebodings that something was wrong, but God didn’t give me an understanding of this until later.”