How Come the Grotesque and Sickening Antisemitism of Greta Thunberg isn’t News in America?

This is despicable. Absolutely despicable. This child should have stayed in school and learned something instead of hopping and skipping around the world screeching at people.

Greta is what happens when you give someone with an immature undeveloped brain and a paltry education a platform. When fame becomes more important than reality.

She is deplorable.

‘To Hell in a Handcart’

Missal, France ca. 1470-1475 (Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, MS 425, fol. 196v), showing the Medieval notion of demons coming to collect a soul from an impious sinner and taking it to hell in a handcart.  At a later period of time, the phrase was recast as ‘to hell in a handbasket’.

Jan Hus Was Right in 1504 and Nothing Has Really Changed

Seht, liebe brüder, die ignoranz der priester ist schuld daran, dass die kirche trauert und in ihren kindern zugrunde geht, die verlorengehen, da der teufel, der feind, stark geworden ist, gewiss wegen der sünden ihrer propheten und ihrer priester . Die kirche krankt an ihren gliedern, und daher spricht gott, der herr: siehe mir, ich bin geworden wie einer, der im herbst nach der weinlese nur noch beeren erntet, es gibt keine traube mehr zu essen. — Jan Hus

My ‘Life Verse’

‘I have appointed you as tester of my people, to learn and to test how they behave. All of them are total rebels, peddlers of slander, hard as bronze and iron, all agents of corruption.  The bellows blast away to make the fire burn away the lead. In vain the smelter does his work, for the dross is not purged out. “Silver-reject”, men call them, and indeed Yahweh has rejected them!’  — (Jer. 6:27-30)

If you like, I’d be happy to discern your life verse too….

Erasmus Was Disgruntled When Basel Removed the Idols

melanchthon_erasmusOn May 9, 1529 Erasmus wrote a friend:

“The smiths and workmen removed the pictures from the churches, and heaped such insults on the images of the saints and the crucifix itself, that it is quite surprising there was no miracle, seeing how many there always used to occur whenever the saints were even slightly offended. Not a statue was left either in the churches, or the vestibules, or the porches, or the monasteries. The frescoes were obliterated by means of a coating of lime; whatever would burn was thrown into the fire, and the rest pounded into fragments. Nothing was spared for either love or money. Before long the mass was totally abolished, so that it was forbidden either to celebrate it in one’s own house or to attend it in the neighboring villages.”

Hooray!  Erasmus talked a good game about the need for change but he never really wanted it.

Remembering Sophie Scholl on the Anniversary of Her Birth

German anti-Nazi political activist Sophie Scholl was born on this day in 1921. She was a member of the non-violent intellectual resistance group “White Rose”. The group distributed anonymous leaflets and a graffiti campaign calling for opposition to the Nazi regime, before being sentenced to death.

Go be Sophie.  Be courageous.  Or in the words of Zwingli, ‘For God’s sake, do something brave!’