What America Has Become

I’m old enough to remember that Jimmy Carter almost lost in 1976 because he admitted having ‘lust in his heart’.

Fast forward to 2016, 2020, and 2024 and look at who the @GOP and maga and ‘evangelicals’ support.

Think about what that says of this country. Just take a few minutes and think about it.

Go ahead.

Quote of the Day: Stand Fast and Don’t Waver from the Truth

There now remains the conflict, to which the Spirit of God not only exhorts us to go, but even to run. It is indeed a hard and grievous trial, to see the pride of the enemies of truth so enormous, without its getting any check from on high; their rage so unbridled, without God’s interfering for the relief of His people. But if we remember that, when it is said that our life is hid, and that we must resemble the dead, this is not a doctrine for any particular time, but for all times, we shall not think it strange that afflictions should continue. While it pleases God to give His enemies the rein, our duty is to be patient, although the time of our redemption tarries. — John Calvin

Spend Your Day With Zwingli

On 15 May, 1526 Huldrych Zwingli responded to another of Johannes Faber’s pro Rome assaults in his Die andere Schrift an Dr. Johannes Faber.

Faber, like Eck, fancied himself a defender of Rome and when Luther or Zwingli wrote, they felt the need to respond.  Naturally this inevitably led to a response by Luther or Zwingli or both.

In 1526 Faber had compared Zwingli to Goliath and himself to David.  That’s how he saw things.  He would destroy Zwingli in the same way that David had destroyed the giant Philistine.

But not so fast, Zwingli responded (in the booklet at hand).  With brilliant irony and sharp sarcasm, Zwingli took Faber to the woodshed and showed the numerous ways in which Faber was wrong, on doctrine and on the outcome of their encounters.

For instance-

Liebsten brueder und fründ, es sol uns nit weych machen, daß Faber und sin huff on underloß nit allein widerstond der warheit, sunder ouch dero verkünder und lerer mit allem, das sy vermögend, umbzebringen trachtend, gott geb welchen wäg das volbracht möcht werden; sunder wir söllend daran frolocken [cf. Matth. 5. 12]; dann dise vilvaltigen widerstend sind ein offen zeichen, das wir dem gelobten land nach sind.

Es pfyffend alle bäpstler uff dem letzten löchlin, darumb sind sy so ungestuem; thuot inen ouch not, man wil das heylsam fleysch Christi Jesu, das für uns gestorben und deßhalb allein heylsam ist, das aber sy uns dichtet habend lyplich geessen werden, nümmen in dem wärd von inen weder empfahen noch kouffen.

So nun Faber under denen für ander so unreyn gumpet und tröwt, bedörfft es wenig antwortens; dann er thuot sich selb so hüpschlich dar, daß ein yeder verstendiger (ich gschwyg: glöubiger) wol sehen mag, ob doch ein einigs gneystle frommer zucht oder redliche in sinem hertzen sye.

Calvin on the Schismatics and their Insulting Words About Zwingli and Oecolampadius

Melanchthon showed Calvin an anti-Zwingli anti-Oecolampadius pamphlet written by a schismatic and Calvin remarked

What good purpose could it serve to assault the Zwinglians every third line, and to attack Zwingli himself in such an unmannerly style?   And not even to spare Oecolampadius, that holy servant of God, whom I wish that he resembled, even in being half as good, in which case he would certainly stand far higher in my esteem than he does. O God of grace, what pleasant sport and pastime do we afford to the Papists, as if we had hired ourselves to do their work!”

The last line means that Calvin saw these schismatics as doing more harm to the Reformation than the Papists could ever hope.