The October Carnival: The Very Scary Minimalist Edition

Welcome to the Carnival

Biblioblogdom explained

Enjoy your visit to the minimalist carnival.  And by minimalist I don’t mean The Copenhagen School of Biblical Minimalism, which is a good thing, I mean Marie Kondo minimalism.  Or, what would a Carnival look like if a Kondo minimalist did it?  Or more frighteningly, what would 95% of the Carnivals look like if I had never lived?!?!?!?!?

You’re welcome.  Enjoy.

Hebrew Bible

James Davila and Richard Bauckham have sent along to the publisher the second volume of their Pseudepigraph of the Old Testament.  Look for it soon from the publisher, because book stores rarely exist anymore and the ones that do have a religion section the size of a baby’s hand.

New Testament

James McGrath wrote a post on John the Baptist and Yoko Ono and how ChatGPT something, something, something.  He also asks who wrote Romans…

Erm…  Is that like ‘what color was Napoleon’s white horse’?   If you don’t know the answer, or even feel yourself inclined to ask the question- let me help you.


N.T. Wright tweeted: I’d like to invite you to begin reading my next book, Into the Heart of Romans. Free access to chapter one is available here.


Scot McKnight is of the opinion that evangelicalism has a systemic problem.  Get your wallet out.  You have to pay to read it.  Maybe monetizing everything is the problem with Evangelicals.

Inhuman Evil

Demons arose from the pit of hell in early October, inhabited Hamas, and massacred nearly 1400 Israelis.  The IOSOT issued the clearest and most unequivocal statement of condemnation of this barbaric and vile attack.  Killing children?  Old people?  Women?  Men?  For a political cause???  No.  No cause justifies that.  NO CAUSE.



Don’t worry, next time I do a Carnival it will be regular.  I’m not a fan of Kondo minimalism.  But some of you weirdos are, so you just have 2 books on your shelf and 2 pairs of underwear, etc.  Weirdos.