The Co-opted Jesus

Jesus is dragged to ‘support the cause’ by everyone from the left to the right.  Name a cause, just go ahead, name a cause, and I guarantee you, Jesus has been co-opted for it.  Gay- sure.  Homeless- sure.  Dark-skinned- sure.  Indigent- sure.  Illegal-alien- sure. Eco-sensitive- sure. Prius driver- sure.  Communist- sure.

The problem, however, with this idiotic nonsense is that Jesus was none of those things.  He doesn’t fit, and won’t fit, and refuses to fit because, now hold on to your hat, he lived in the first century in Palestine.  All those causes you strive to co-opt him into supporting?  Ignorant dullard, none of them existed in his day.  There were no people striving for gay rights or worried about the homeless or illegal aliens or the planet or anything else that’s a modern invention.

People really need to get a grip on reality, grow up, and stop co-opting Jesus to their cause.   As far as you know, he would heap scorn on you, and it.  Sure, maybe not.  But that’s just the point.  You don’t know what ‘Jesus would do’ because he’s silent on all those subjects that rile you so.

The co-opted Jesus isn’t scholarly.  It’s not even honest.  It’s just lame striving for approval and legitimacy for your pet cause.