A Zoom Session on Sinaiticus

Wednesday, July 1, 10am CET, TeTra Seminar paper on Zoom:

Brent Nongbri (MF Norwegian School of Theology) — “Revisiting the Date of Codex Sinaiticus”.  If you’d like to attend, feel free to contact us at dan.batovici@kuleuven.be or andy.hilkens@ugent.be

1 thought on “A Zoom Session on Sinaiticus

  1. Fascinating.

    And it is unclear why the emphasis would be simply radiocarbon. The group BAM, Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und-prüfung under Dr. Ira Rabin in Berlin has a far wider range of testing analysis techniques for parchment and ink, and even experience on the DSS. They had been scheduled to test the Leipzig Sinaiticus pages in 2015, until the tests were cancelled.

    As for the results above, it will be very interesting to see how hey get a terminus ante quem in the 500s. Hilgenfeld was about 600, and the early date was only the result of Tischendorf directing people to use his facsimile and analysis. Why not a terminus ante quem of 1840? Based on the many evidences of Mount Athos creation involving Constantine Simonides.

    And does this discussion go into ink, stain and colour anomalies and the “phenomenally good condition” (Helen Shenton, British Library) of the manuscript, and the easy-peasy page turning that can be seen in video? Or is the discussion essentially script-based, which would be a very limited palaeography, since any script can be easily copied into a future replica or forgery.



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