The Word ‘Evangelicals’ Means Anything its Users Want it to Mean- So It Means Nothing

For instance, the phrase ‘Evangelicals for gay marriage‘ illustrates the point.  Evangelicals (in the historic sense of the word) can no more be ‘for’ gay marriage than they can be ‘for’ any other activity or behavior renounced in Scripture.  ‘Evangelicals for gay marriage’ is an empty phrase.  As empty as ‘Evangelicals for Adultery’ or ‘Evangelicals for theft’.

Now I realize that this will make the gay rights activists angry.  Sorry about that, but it can’t be helped.  I wasn’t the one to formulate the phrase and I mention it only because it shows how far modern ‘Christianity’ has removed itself, especially in its Protestant (Evangelical) branch, from its scriptural moorings.

It’s sad really.  ‘Evangelical’ used to be a term of pride.  ‘Evangelicals’ were people who were followers of Jesus, adherents of Scripture, and true to historic Christianity.  Now it means whatever its user wants it to mean- which means that it means nothing at all.

What next?  What can we expect?  ‘Evangelicals for Slavery’?  ‘Evangelicals for pedophilia’?  ‘The Evangelical Branch of NAMBLA’?  ‘Evangelicals for Abortion’?  ‘Evangelicals for Murder’?  ‘Evangelicals for Anarchy’?

Farewell, ‘Evangelical’.  You were useful for a while but now you’ve been hijacked and emptied of your meaning by persons who are as ‘Evangelical’ as a Boston Priest.

3 thoughts on “The Word ‘Evangelicals’ Means Anything its Users Want it to Mean- So It Means Nothing

  1. Yep…
    What can we coin next and then strike out?
    Labels are made to be hijacked, I guess.


  2. JasonS is almost spot on but he left out two words between “Yep” and “Fundamentalist” – “Christian” and “Protestant”


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