Well Sure He Defends His ‘Expedition’, What Else Can he Do?

Admit it’s all a hoax?

Here’s a video of the leader of the Chinese Ark Hunters explaining the hunt and the reaction of the doubters…

It’s just so absurd. Note well that when the discovery was first announced, the team was 99.9% sure it had found Noah’s Ark. In the video, they’re 90% sure. And they’re already planting the seeds of their ‘well we weren’t completely sure really’ admission later on when it turns out to be recognized as a rubbish find.

The bottom line is, they’ll still continue to collect money and the gullible will still believe their ‘discoveries’ no matter how ridiculous.

1 thought on “Well Sure He Defends His ‘Expedition’, What Else Can he Do?

  1. Surprised, shouldn’t be drunk Kurds planting evidence, people posing as archaeologists who have no training in the field, colleagues telling them it’s a waste of time however there’s a lot of money riding on these scams which is why they abound. Those whom have made a career of this have done quite well financially fleecing the poor out of their hard earned money.


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