What Non-Academics Think About the Coptic Fragment Just Doesn’t Matter

So it just doesn’t matter what Simcha Jacobovici thinks about the ‘Jesus Wife’ fragment.  It simply just doesn’t.  It matters what King thinks (and she has been very measured even though she hasn’t sufficiently addressed the provenance question) and what Francis Watson thinks really matters (because he’s proven the thing a fake).  But Simcha?  What can he bring to the table?  He’s not expert enough in the field of study to even know the right questions to ask much less possessing the requisite skills to evaluate the evidence.

No, it can’t matter at all what he thinks.  And it doesn’t.

1 thought on “What Non-Academics Think About the Coptic Fragment Just Doesn’t Matter

  1. Pingback: Is the Gospel of Jesus’ Wife a Fake?

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