When It Comes to Churches- Size Really Matters

If your church is so large that the pastor doesn’t know your name, your church is too large.  It’s time to start a new work.  The church exists to glorify God, minister to his community, and share the gospel with the world; it does NOT exist to feed the pastor’s ego.

Churches used to grow till they were fairly large and then they would start new work in other communities. Members would go there as seeds and invite new people to the new work. New churches were planted and born all across the country that way. Now egomaniacal pastors teach unlearned congregations that they need to become super large in order to minister. That’s hogwash. It’s all done to stroke the pastor’s ego. Nothing more. It is the grossest form of utlitarianism the church has ever known.

Those who defend large churches do it because 1) they like going somewhere that they don’t have to be involved (spectator christians) and 2) they are clergy who enjoy the ‘prestige’ of large congregations (where they don’t know a fragment of the people personally) and the ‘prestige’ of multi-staff organizations. And of course the very large paychecks very large churches offer.

1 thought on “When It Comes to Churches- Size Really Matters

  1. Correct!!!!! No truer words can be said! Growing up in RCC country I once told a Catholic priest, an old man, that I wanted to be a Protestant Pastor of a big congregation. The wise man told me to learn with the RCC and check the rightful meaning of the often incorrectly defined word “parish”. He said that the idea is a “pair of eyes” – Italian parochia, close to a pair of eyes, said he – which means that a bishop’s congregation should not be bigger than the one he can supervise with a “pair of eyes”. I even remember the wise old man moving both hands with his index finger in front of his eyes denoting the narrow scope of a “pair of eyes”. I never forgot it and this is something that we Prots should learn.
    Yes, congregations can be made to be the size of a pastor’s ego!


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