The February Carnival: The ‘Love is in the Air’ Edition

5February is the month of love.  Valentine’s Day don’t ya know…  Anyway, I thought this month I would show some link love to a number of blogs you’ve never (or probably never) heard of, written by people (or probably people) you’ve never heard mentioned.

Check it out:

Hebrew Bible/ Old Testament

Mine.  I mean, in answer to the question posed by young Mr (well darn, I’ve forgotten) (no there it is)- Jason.   There was a right sharp interview with Karen Jobes on International Septuagint Day that you should read – because you haven’t already.  It’s by someone.

Richard has posted a series of videos of lectures in Thomas Römer’s series on the Bible and its contexts.  Well worth a look and videos by some of the leaders in the field.

David Clines lectures on the varieties of creation in this video.  Clines is really a scream of a lecturer/ presenter.  He’s sort of the male version of Amy-Jill Levine (which is to say, whenever you have a chance to hear him, do it).

Bob Cargill posted his radio appearance in January but nothing in February so here it is.  I reckon February is too cold in Iowa for blogging.

The wise and goodly folk in Central Europe have constructed a brilliant little game to teach kids (and journalists) the Old Testament.

Tim B. is doing a video series on the geography of the Bible and he’s also got one in the series on ‘routes’.  It’s right smart and it deserves your attention.

3Since Jack Sasson’s list is now being hosted on the SBL site you’ll be able to read it even if you aren’t worthy of being on Jack’s list.  That’s good news for you, the little people.

Deane Galbraith is back with ‘Remnants of Giants‘.  Good to see him doing what he does again.  Here’s a fine example on the David and Goliath tale.

New Testament

Someone named Anthony wrote a piece about some angry atheist and some skinny not so funny comedian debating the topic of Theodicy (because who on earth doesn’t want to know what an angry atheist and an actor person think about one of the most complex issues in theology.  Maybe next time throw in a journalist and you’ll have the trifecta of dileattantism).

Have you ever wondered about responses to Mark 7:32-37 in Victorian London and in biblical scholarship? Well, over at the most narrowly focused blog in all existence you can find out.  Who knew…

Campbell is not right.  Moo is.  Bauckam is right too but he’s talking about fishing.  I like fish.  I don’t like catching and murdering them or cleaning them or cooking them or smelling them.  But I like the way their completely deboned descaled decapitated bodies taste.

John Martens has a really fine commentary on Acts he’s blogging.  And by that, I mean he’s writing a commentary on Acts on his blog that certainly is a worthwhile read.  And Phil Long is also thinking about Acts and almsgiving.

From Durham- this.  On rock/ sand.

3Richard Goode posted an entry on the ‘Gospel of the Lots of Mary’…  Lots of Mary… Lotsa Mary.  (I’m sorry, sometimes the mockery just comes naturally and if I try to hold it in I die).  Richard also shared a lecture by Steve Moyise on Jesus and his birth (part two).  Richard’s doing great things with the Newman blog.  You should watch it.

Nijay Gupta did a good job destroying the ridiculous and absurd comments about NT Wright.


Larry Hurtado shares Richard Bauckham’s appreciation for Larry Hurtado.  It’s a nice tribute nicely appreciated by the recipient of the tribute.  I.e., the tributee.

George Athas directs our attention to yet another (albeit good) contribution to the discussion of Jesus’ existence.  It’s still a stupid question.  It has been asked by skeptics since ages ago and no one with any sense or sensibility doubts it.  Maurice Casey said everything about the topic that needed to be said.  And still… the daft continue to ask it.  Its become a cottage industry promoted by the self promoting.

Ancillary Stuff (Archaeology, Text Criticism, DSS, etc.)

There’s a very interesting post on the Tel Aviv archaeology blog  by Joshua Errington about a field excursion that you’ll most definitely want to read (and you’ll want to follow the blog too).

Roberta Mazza body slams the practice of buying and selling antiquities to ‘protect them’.  #Boom.  She does the same when it comes to ‘marketing’ the ‘Word of God’.

Danny G. posted video about Sebastian Moll’s discussion of Marcion.  Fun times for all.

Hershel Shanks reflects on the birth of BAR.  It’s a good read.

Vaticanus is now fully digitized and available online.  Nifty.  Not so nifty is Brice’s citation of Wikipedia for the description of the manuscript.  He notes, wryly (I hope) that the description is accurate.  It may have been accurate the moment Brice read it but 10 seconds later it may have been distorted.  Wikipedia.  It’s bad.  It’s always bad.  It’s never good because- at the end of the day- it’s never really trustworthy.

Steve Moyise has a good bit to say about Wright’s (mis)understanding of Paul’s use of Scripture.  You won’t want to miss it if you’ve already missed it.

It has already occurred but you may want to ask Larry if he has plans to publish his lecture at the Pontifical Institute.  It sounds really great.  “The Dead Sea Scrolls: Judaism on the Eve of Christianity”.

2There’s a very intriguing post here on textual studies and diagnostics that you’ll want to take a look at.

It’s very exciting to pass along word that a new blog by a female person commenced in February titled ‘The Female Bible Scholar‘ by the learned and delightful Tiffany Webster.  I’m grateful to tiny Mike Kok for telling me about it.  Mike used to blog but now that he’s running his own corporation he doesn’t anymore.  Perhaps at long last women bloggers in biblical studies will break forth in a mighty surge.  Please, Lord, let it happen.  Tiffany also herself passed along word of a SIIBS gathering that will interest the Yorkshire folk.

Brice Jones described a newly discovered ‘saying of Jesus’ (one of those agraphon things).  But if it’s ‘unwritten’ how is it that it has been discovered written down?  [Sorry, it’s a pet peeve of mine that the term agraphon is used of clearly written down texts.  It’s as if textual scholars aren’t inventive enough to come up with a term that actually makes sense… you know, like ‘graphon’…] [And though you may have the feeling that I don’t like Brice nothing could be further from the truth.  The fact that he cites wikipedia…]

The folk at the PEQ blog have a really good post on an aspect of their work.  Give it a read if you haven’t already.

It being February, and February being both the month in which Melanchthon was born and Luther died, it’s appropriate to mention the commencement of a new edition of Melancthon’s Opera Omnia.

And finally, if you aren’t a part of the best online discussion of the bible group, join up.

1Next month’s blog will come in like a lion and go out like a lamb.  In the meantime, go read Jennifer’s ‘official’ Carnival.  She’s a delight.  A beginning theology student, she has a fine sense of wit and – importantly – understands that Joel Watts is the antichrist.

Biblioblogdom explained

Biblioblogdom explained

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