Mike Huckabee and the ‘Palestinian’ Deniers Don’t Know History

I’ve said it before and I will again- knowing history can save you from a load of looking stupid.  Mr Huckabee doesn’t know history.  Consequently…

What Huckabee and the other deniers of a Palestinian people don’t realize is that there’s no such thing as an American people until America was established by a bloody cut throat violent revolution in which the rebels used guerrilla tactics which the British found barbarous.  There also was no Israel until armed troops drove out Arab settlers and claimed their land on the false belief that it was somehow or other the national homeland of European Ashkeanzi.

Do Huckabee and others really wish for Palestine to become a State the same way America and Israel did?  Do they?  Because, as far as history can tell, the Palestinians have waited long enough.

Mike Huckabee has revived the notion that there is no such thing as a Palestinian people, repeating an assertion that has been debated, and largely condemned, by a wide spectrum of historians and political analysts. The likely Republican presidential hopeful made the claim in an interview with the Washington Post, for the paper’s story on Huckabee’s guided tours of Israel. Tourists have the opportunity to hear from guest lecturers, including Zionist Organization of America president Morton Klein. The Post reports that Klein had told Huckabee’s group that the idea of a Palestinian people is a fiction, a declaration with which Huckabee readily agreed.

What a foolish argument to attempt.  One day these sad lot will learn the terrible lesson that one man’s freedom fighter is another man’s terrorist.  And vice versa.