Reza Aslan: Historical Jesus ‘Scholar’ AND Expert on the Middle East…

CNN must be having a very hard time finding anyone besides Aslan to be one of their talking heads.  In fact, TV in general must be having a hard time finding sensible and actual experts in all kinds of fields.

First Aslan appeared in the mildly interesting Bible series that aired a while back as an expert on the Historical Jesus (even though he isn’t).  And in the last few days he’s been on CNN debating (if you could call it that- and you can’t) the situation in the Middle East.

Which is it Aslan?  Are you an expert on biblical interpretation and Early Christianity or are you an expert on foreign affairs?  Or are you really just the only guy CNN can find who is willing to talk about subjects far outside his field just so as to be on the tv box?

And shame on you CNN.  Try harder.  Find actual experts.  Or just show footage of Blitzer pointing at a map of Iraq and calling it Afghanistan.  That, you’re good at.

3 thoughts on “Reza Aslan: Historical Jesus ‘Scholar’ AND Expert on the Middle East…

  1. The problem is not CNN. The problem, as always, is that the scholars refuse to take journalism seriously. Scientists have people who are specialized in helping the press, as we can see today now that they have put a satellite next to a comet. It’s all well done, CNN can find whomever it needs.

    Scholars think they can do it themselves, which they can’t. So CNN looks for an attractive looking, smart guy. You can’t blame CNN or Aslan. The problem is the university.


    • i blame cnn because they could ask scholars if they wanted to. they go for appearance rather than expertise. form trumps substance.


      • You’re optimistic. I am a journalist and believe me, it is A LOT easier to get a good scientist than a good scholar. Most art faculties do not even have a communication department.

        Another story is whether they should have asked Reza Aslan. I listened to a lecture of his, some time ago, because I hoped that as a speaker, he might be more interesting than as a scholar. It was a disaster.


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