Florida’s Justice System is Racist

Nina Burleigh posted this on facebook. I concur with her assesment. Further I would add that it is proof that Florida’s justice system is racist.


3 thoughts on “Florida’s Justice System is Racist

  1. This is a very good demonstration as to why people who post these things on Facebook lose their credibility which cause me to stop reading being their second sentence: “you can stand your ground if you are an insecure white man”. Which insecure white man she is talking about? How can a person who stands his ground be insecure? If she is referring to Zimmerman, as per the American way of judging ethnicity, Zimmerman is not a white man. So, this post, like so many others that I have seen after the Zimmerman trial, is irrational and uninformed. If I had to judge whether Florida’s Justice System is racist or not, I’d be making a wrong judgment. These type of statements do nothing to help to determine genuine cases of racism; what they do is simply to trivialize the plight of racism.


    • i respectfully disagree. the point is terribly simple and terrible: a black woman was sentenced to 20 years for doing far less than zimmerman, a self professed white man.


      • I accept your disagreement agreeing with the “terrible” part. Warning shots are often considered crime in areas where the population from which a jury is composed, is against any gun rights, let alone gun use. It is indeed terrible that this lady was convicted. I don’t believe this is enough to call it racism since, especially when any gun is used, there are many factors considered within a trial, which makes the American justice swallow gnats and strain camels through the smallest furrows of a sieve. Location, composition of the political mind, the way a judge applies the trail rules, evidences that they allow and disallow, jury choices and UNFORTUNATELY, the economical power of the defendant or accuser to hire lawyers that will never quit until they “woo” the jury are factors that play a role in a trial. But to call Florida’s justice system racist, that is where I disagree.
        In the Zimmerman trial evidence was withheld by the prosecution and when an officer of the prosecution office point that to Mrs. State Attorney Angela Corey, and whistle-blowed, she fired him alleging something else as a red herring. She is now being reported for sanctions. My point here? There are many factors that go on a trial. Allan Dershowitz a left wing lawyer, who otherwise is one of the best jurists in America said that the only person who should be in jail is Angela Corey… So, legal minds disagree why a person should be taken to trial or not. Not always racism is the explanation. Dershowitz is also famous for saying that it is not about the “true” but perceived justice. So there you have it: It may not be racism after all.


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