Luther Responds to His Clever Devils

The pope never hurt me, except at first when Sylvester wrote against me and put this legend in the front of his book: ‘master of the sacred palace.’ Then I thought, ‘Good God, has it come to this that the matter will go before the pope?’ However, our Lord God was gracious to me, and the stupid dolt wrote such wretched stuff that I had to laugh.

Since then I’ve never been frightened. Now, at my age, I’m not disturbed by such people. I have nothing to do with them. But the devil looks for me when I am at home in bed, and one or two devils constantly lie in wait for me. They are clever devils. If they can’t get anywhere in my heart, they grab my head and torment me there, and when that becomes useless, I’ll turn my behind upon them. That’s where they belong.  — Martin Luther

[Love him or hate him, you have to smile when you read such things].