The Boy Scouts Continue their Ban on Gay Leaders

After a confidential two-year review, the Boy Scouts of America on Tuesday emphatically reaffirmed its policy of excluding gays, ruling out any changes despite relentless protest campaigns by some critics. A special committee formed by top Scout leaders in 2010 “came to the conclusion that this policy is absolutely the best policy for the Boy Scouts,” the organization’s national spokesman, Deron Smith, told the Associated Press. Smith said the committee, comprised of professional scout executives and adult volunteers, was unanimous in its conclusion — preserving a long-standing policy that was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2000 and has remained controversial.

Doubtless this too will end up back at the Supreme Court even though the decision rendered is sensible. Why? Because we Americans do love our own way and when we don’t get it, we whine. We whine to high heaven until just to shut us up, we’re given what we pretend we need- much the same way that Israel begged and whined for a king and in disgust, at God’s command, Samuel gave in and gave them one- to their destruction.