It’s Just a Game People

It’s certainly not worth killing, or dying over.  Except, evidently, to four men in Texas (but of course).

Two men were killed in Dallas after a World Cup argument turned violent, police say. According to the Dallas Morning News, four men were quarreling about “an upcoming World Cup soccer game” in the early hours Sunday morning when one of the arguers retrieved a gun and opened fire, killing two others. The shooter has not been identified, but NBC Dallas-Fort Worth reports that the victims are 17-year-old Raul Santoyo and 28-year-old Luis Santoyo-Vega.

What pure, unmixed, disgusting and depraved depravity. You’d think these people were the heads of some aggressive State bent on dragging their country to war because they think that armed action is the proper response to every argument. Oh wait a minute, there are quite a number of politicians just like that aren’t there… Maybe the shooter is actually a head of State. He’s not named so we don’t really know. What we do know, however, is that he is despicable.  Or maybe he had just flown in from San Francisco

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