May the Good Lord Grant us Deliverance from the Practitioners of Self Promoting Foolishness

Mark tells us that Simcha has a book coming out in the Spring which aims to foist on the public, again, claims that Jesus and Mary Magdelene were married.

Dear people, let me tell you a couple of things:

1- I’m glad Mark is keeping an open mind.  Personally, however, I think all such claims are a priori absolutely idiotic.  Produce ONE SHRED of ancient (1st century CE) evidence that Jesus took Mary to wife.  Just one shred; then, I’ll have an open mind to the possibility.  But until you do, there’s nothing for me to be open minded about.  Simcha’s claims are proof of nothing.  Period.  Show me the evidence or don’t make the claim.  First century, authenticated, provenanced archaeological or textual material, or shut up.

2. Simcha must be very happy his tripe is being mentioned.  For him, there’s no such thing as bad publicity.  Some feckless wretch somewhere will buy and read his book and believe his unsubstantiated conclusions (because, be honest for half a second, if there WERE evidence we would ALL know about it).  And he’ll make money.  And that’s his aim.  To take the most tangentially related unsubstantiated notions, connect them somehow to the Bible, and profiteer from it.  He’s good at it.  But only because

a) the ignorant and unlearned and uninformed outnumber the learned and well informed


b) scholars far and wide have not acted responsibly in publicly denouncing his claims.  Sure, a few do publicly (all should) and all do privately (and should publicly).

So, Simcha, good luck with the book.  I hope you sell a billion copies and many are misled and led astray by it.  If they buy it, they deserve to lose money and take the wrong path.  A fool and his money are soon parted; and, wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many there be who find it.

1 thought on “May the Good Lord Grant us Deliverance from the Practitioners of Self Promoting Foolishness

  1. OK, here’s one shred: John 20.17, “mē mou haptou”. I was told once that the verb was not often used by men speaking to women, unless they were married.

    I cannot evaluate the quality of this argument, but perhaps someone over here can explain why it is incorrect (as I suspect it is).

    BTW, even if Jesus and Mary were lovers – does it matter?


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