Catchy Headlines Aren’t The Same Thing as Scholarship

For instance, BAR emails today

Was Mary Magdalene the Wife of Jesus?

No. So why pander to the conspiracy theorists who are looking for any hint that Jesus was a married guy and the Church has covered it up? Because ‘Mary Magdalene Wasn’t the Wife of Jesus’ isn’t as soul stirring. Even though that’s what they very essay BAR publishes asserts-

In his article “From Saint to Sinner,” author Birger A. Pearson reviews all of the references to Mary in the Gospels and finds that there is actually no substantial evidence that Mary was either a prostitute or Jesus’ wife. Three Gospels name her only as a witness of his crucifixion and/or burial. All four Gospels place her at the scene of Jesus’ resurrection (though Luke does not list her as a witness). Only in the Gospel according to Luke is there even the slightest implication that she might have had a past life that could raise eyebrows.

Still, BAR wants headlines to screech rather than offer evidence of scholarship. But catchy headlines aren’t the same thing as scholarship. I would respect BAR a lot more if it tried to be less sensationalistic and more academic (and yes, you can be academic and interesting to the wider public!)

2 thoughts on “Catchy Headlines Aren’t The Same Thing as Scholarship

  1. If we wait until the 28 we all should know as thats when the book comes out and it would appear that this is a subtle adv for the book. word received here is that she had high levels of lead and one of them wanted to make her into a 12 stepper, if one has it way, just must may be, can’t wait, but one thing i can guarantee you is that there will be at least 2 chapters on Her and Him if word from the Wail is up to date.


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