Gwyneth Paltrow, Here’s Your Dilly!

Yet another dilettante mumbling about the Bible when she hasn’t a clue, Paltrow has decided to throw her theological anorexia at the issue of homosexuality and the bible.

Taking care not to condemning the sanctity of the Christian church, the actress then asked the question of whether or not the Bible really does find homosexuality sinful.   ‘What does it actually say in the bible that will cause some people to be upset by my line of thinking?’ she mused.  Religious institutions and pious fans have yet to respond to the actress’s comments.

Well Dilly Winner, if you would actually read it you’d discover a book in the New Testament called Romans.  And in the opening chapter of Romans you would discover a section which, along with condemning gossip and theft and idol worship, is condemnation of woman with woman sex and man with man sex.  It can’t be exegeted around, it can only be ignored or willfully misinterpreted.

So, Miss, here’s your Dilly.  Stick to acting.  Leave exegesis to people who know how to do it.  We don’t show up on your set and tell you how to play your part; you should stay away from our field too.

1 thought on “Gwyneth Paltrow, Here’s Your Dilly!

  1. Romans is probably irrelevant to Mrs Palthrow, who comes from a rabbinical family, has a Jewish father, a nonreligious mother, and – deducing from the fact that she called her son Moses – sympathizes with Judaism.

    Probably a reference to Leviticus would impress her more. I do not expect she will counterargue that the Holiness Code does not apply when there is no Temple. After all, she’s indeed a better actress than exegete.


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