Christians are Being Martyred at the Pace of 1 every 5 Minutes

In other parts of the world, that is.  Not here in the United States, where many Christians can’t even be bothered with a minimum of faithfulness much less living their faith in such a way that it opposes evil and maintains fidelity to Christ.

A sociologist representing a European security organization says that the number of Christians killed each year for their faith is so high that it calculates to one martyr’s life being taken every five minutes. …   Introvigne reported that Christians killed every year for their faith number 105,000, and that number includes only those put to death simply because they are Christians. It does not count the victims of civil or international wars.  “If these numbers are not cried out to the world, if this slaughter is not stopped, if it is not acknowledged that the persecution of Christians is the first worldwide emergency in the matter of violence and religious discrimination, the dialogue between religions will only produce beautiful conferences but no concrete results,” he stated.

It’s Christians who suffer the profoundest persecution around the world, not Muslims or Buddhists or Taoists.  And the world barely notices.
