Oh No, The History Channel is Planning a 10 Part Series on The Bible…

I can’t help it.  I’m skeptical that it will be accurate.  Made for tv ‘documentaries’ so seldom are.  In fact, of the hundreds and possibly thousands that have aired you can probably count on your hands the number that could be described as ‘good’ or ‘accurate’.

First, the producers are just that, producers.  Nothing more and without expertise in the subject.  Second,

“The Bible” is using the New International Version, the translation preferred by evangelical Christian leaders, and the New Revised Standard Version, Dubuc said. A committee of theologians and scholars is being assembled to consult on the series.

NIV?  Bummer.  And the committee?  Well who knows about that.  Could be knowledgeable folk or it could be people like Harold Camping and Benny Hinn.  ‘Theologians and scholars’ doesn’t mean the same thing in Hollywood as it does out in the rest of the world.

History is owned by the A&E Television Networks, which itself is owned jointly by NBC Universal, the Walt Disney Co. and the Hearst Corp.

Oh well if Disney and NBC are the ones ultimately responsible….  Skepticism.  It’s what’s for supper.  The series may turn out to be well done and actually useful.  We shall see I suppose.  But my default position on any media coverage of the Bible is pure unmixed suspicion.  They’ll have to ‘show me’ it isn’t more of the same.

2 thoughts on “Oh No, The History Channel is Planning a 10 Part Series on The Bible…

  1. Sounds more like “Greatest Stories of the Bible” Version 2.0. More drama than documentary.

    Like you, I;m cautiously interested. My hand still tingles from the burning I got from the last “documentary” I watched.


  2. I used to think more highly of History than I do now, at least concerning their biblical/theological productions. I still don’t think they’re as bad as NatGeo, but we shall see.


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