The Governor of Alabama is Backpeddling…

Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley apologized Wednesday for his inauguration day remarks about only Christians being his brothers and sisters and said he would work over the next four years for people of all faiths and colors.  Bentley said he didn’t mean to insult anyone with comments he made from the pulpit of a church once led by Martin Luther King Jr. He said he was speaking as an evangelical Christian to fellow Baptists.  “If anyone from other religions felt disenfranchised by the language, I want to say I am sorry. I am sorry if I offended anyone in any way,” Bentley said Wednesday.  Bentley, who spoke at the church during a King holiday event after his official inaugural address, said no one should hate anyone else because of color or religion.

Don’t worry Bob, by the time the next election rolls around no one will even remember what you said.  People will re-elect you no matter what because one thing Americans like (it seems) is politicians who say stupid things.

1 thought on “The Governor of Alabama is Backpeddling…

  1. “one thing Americans like (it seems) is politicians who say stupid things”

    Yes, one need look no further than our Vice President for proof of that.


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