The Death of the Protestant Work Ethic…

Has resulted in a culture of greed and laziness and a ‘give me something for nothing’ welfare mentality.  Gambling and lotteries and all of the other unethical means by which States are striving to generate tax revenue and income are nothing other than self defeating.  When an entire Country comes to believe that money can be had without labor, that Country is doomed.  That Country is the United States of America.

Cash-starved states are increasingly being drawn to the lure of easy money in casinos — a bet that could ultimately hurt taxpayers if the supply of slot machines, poker tables and racetracks outpaces customers’ demand. The race to open new casinos is most frenzied in the Northeast, which has 41 casinos and 20 more planned.

Gambling feeds on greed and in turn sustains greed. Greed, when given free reign, consumes everything and everyone in its path. States promoting greed (which is what they do when they promote gambling) are fueling destruction.

3 thoughts on “The Death of the Protestant Work Ethic…

  1. A very certain amen here! Greed and idolatry are very close. Kids and young people today need to be taught to “work”! Work goes back even to the creation of Adam. To have and find a ‘life’s-work’ is a blessing and gift of God.


  2. I’m not sure that “greed” is the problem, Jim. More likely it is that state and local officials would rather chew off their own leg rather than raise “taxes.”

    This rather dubious method of raising revenue (we agree there) allows them to avoid the T-word. That always looks bad in your opponent’s attack ads.


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