My Honest Opinon About Churches That Replace Worship With the Super Bowl

I’ll just go ahead and in an uncharacteristically blunt manner state my view on the matter:

I think that ‘churches’ which cancel worship for a ball game aren’t worthy of the name church. Furthermore, I think that when entertainment becomes more important to Christians than worship, they should just throw in the towel and call themselves unitarian universalists, because they’ve ceased to be Christian in any meaningful sense of the word. And finally, I think that Pastors who take part in such decisions have forsaken their proper office and become servants of the world rather than standing up as servants of God.

That’s how I see it. And unless someone can offer substantive theological evidence for me to reconsider my view, that’s how I will continue to see it.

4 thoughts on “My Honest Opinon About Churches That Replace Worship With the Super Bowl

  1. Not being a sports fan to begin with and also not having Sunday as our day of worship, I can only relate peripherally. Up here is is hockey, and when the local team is doing well then folks want to follow the games. But we don’t stop the church service – but neither do we discourage the beeline to the TV at the coffee break and right after the service. I always found that amusing.


  2. When I was a kid we had to go to church during the Superbowl. I remember one year we had a guest minister who had a 40 minute alter-call for people to come up and be saved. He kept dragging on and on and on. We all wanted to go up and tell him: “Hey dummy, the people you’re waiting for aren’t here. They’re at home, you know, watching the Superbowl.”


  3. I would never cancel a church service for a match. I have sprinted away from a church service to get to one – but that was because our youngest son wanted to go to see his team on his birthday, and it was Sunday, and an afternoon kick-off. We made, it just.

    In England, if it isn’t football (real football, you know, played with the feet) it’s cricket. They say that it’s because the British aren’t naturally religious that they had to invent Test Cricket in order to gain some concept of eternity…


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