Bibi’s Genocide Has Zionist Assistance

Oh, and reminder- Zionism is a political movement and opposing it is NOT anti-semitism, no matter how much the Zionists wish to use that cudgel to silence any opposition.  And if anyone says otherwise they are a feckless liar.

Bibi and his Zionist accomplices want nothing less than the deaths of all Gazans.  Children, men, women.  And it is pure demonic evil.

16 thoughts on “Bibi’s Genocide Has Zionist Assistance

  1. Dear Jim,

    How are you defining Zionism?

    How do you see the goal of this political movement, and what do you see as its origin?




    • zionism is a political ideology concerned with a national political entity. its roots are in 19th century nationalist ideologies then current in many nation- states of europe whose goal was to establish a political entity in palestine.
      it has since morphed into an ideology which sees the existence of ‘palestine’ and ‘palestinians’ as illegitimate and to be removed or displaced to the exclusive benefit of the modern state called israel.


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