Why Is there Even a ‘Milk Crate Challenge’? Because People Aren’t Smart

Not even a little.

Step by step, the participant walks precariously up a pyramid of milk crates, inching closer to greatness or, more likely, a wipeout viewed by millions — and maybe a trip to the emergency room.

When the person falls — and they usually do — throngs of people who’ve helped make the social media spectacle known as the Milk Crate Challenge the latest viral phenomenon proceed to sing a chorus of “Oh!” and “Ah!” as the pyramid collapses and the climber lands painfully on a milk crate or the ground. This was the case for one Atlanta-area man over the weekend who flashed two thumbs up as he was halfway through his conquest. One second later, he lost control and he flew forward, crashing headfirst into the grass. He did get up, still flashing the double thumbs up to the crowd of camera-phone wielders who couldn’t resist filming the latest failure.

Not smart at all.