A Very, Very Short Note on the New Qeiyafa Inscription from Gershon Galil

qeiyafa-ishbaalProf. G. writes

– In my opinion the correct reading of the second Qeiyafa inscription is:

KPRT ‘SHB’L BN BD'[M] = The expiation of Ishba’al son of bdʿ[m].

It’s a very, very interesting possibility.  My understanding is that others have seen this suggestion and found it cogent.

5 thoughts on “A Very, Very Short Note on the New Qeiyafa Inscription from Gershon Galil

  1. Jim and Gershon
    Expiation sounds a bit abstract for [K] {P] [R} [T] (all four letters are incomplete). Perhaps kprt refers to the contents of the pot: pitch? henna? copra (coconut oil from India)?

    Maybe the expiation was achieved by smashing the jar.

    Can Gershon tell us how his hypothetical [M] helps with the unknown name BD` ?

    I don’t see how we can know “the correct reading” when only half of the letters are complete, and in any case only the writer really knew what his message meant.

    I am preparing my own mystified account of the text here:




  2. Ada Yardeni agrees with my proposed reading and translation. Moreover, she painted the inscription and the reconstructions (in the BASOR article) – and she is excellent.


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