Pot is Legal In Colorado, So Why Are People Upset When Students Poison Profs?

Two University of Colorado at Boulder students are accused of bringing marijuana-laced brownies to a college class, sickening their unsuspecting professor and five classmates, police said on Sunday. Thomas Cunningham, 21, and Mary Essa, 19, were arrested Saturday on suspicion of second-degree assault, fraudulently inducing the consumption of a controlled substance and conspiracy charges, university police spokesman Ryan Huff said.  Huff said three of those who ate the brownies were hospitalized, suffering from the effects of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the active property in marijuana.  “If someone views this as a prank, it’s no laughing matter,” Huff told Reuters. “These (charges) are all felonies which carry potential prison time.”

The ‘good’ people of Colorado just legalized pot.  How can it be a crime if kids make pot brownies and give them out?  Pot is harmless, right?  It’s just chuckles and giggles isn’t it?  As far as Colorado is concerned, this surely can’t be a crime, because you can’t have it both ways.  Either pot is legal because it’s harmless or it’s illegal because it isn’t.  It doesn’t become more or less harmless just because the person using it is unaware.

Dope is for dopes.