I Think The Carnivals Are Important So I’m Going to Do it Myself

Beginning August 1, 2010, I’ll host and post the monthly Biblical Studies Carnival focusing on the best blog postings for the preceding month.  I’ve already began work on the July edition (which, following custom, will appear on the first of the next month). If you have a post or cross paths with a post this month and think it should be included for wider readership then do pass it along in comments or via email.

I’ve missed the Carnival and quite frankly have been disappointed at the lackluster and less than inspiring interest in some quarters of maintaining it.  So rather than curse the darkness, I’m going to light a candle.

On the first of every month, at midnight, the Carnival will appear.  Like clockwork.  As long as there’s Bible being blogged, I have sufficient health, and God wills it.

12 thoughts on “I Think The Carnivals Are Important So I’m Going to Do it Myself

  1. Pingback: Jim West and Biblical Studies Carnival « Josephan Studies

  2. Pingback: Jim West, Bringing Carnival Back | The Church of Jesus Christ

  3. Pingback: Jim West, Bringing Carnival Back | Christian Articles and videos

  4. Pingback: Flotsam and jetsam (7/8) « scientia et sapientia

  5. Pingback: Week in Review: 07.09.10 | Near Emmaus

  6. Pingback: Biblical Studies Carnival (July, 2010) « New Testament Interpretation

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