The Five Most Overrated Blogs of 2010

Surprisingly, Joel Watts, Jeremy Thompson, and Mark Stevens didn’t make the list! Unsurprisingly, I didn’t either!!!!  (But of course the millions of faithful daily readers already knew that and in fact realize I’m not yet rated highly enough).

So, which of the world renowned blogs are overrated according to Time?  Fail Blog, The Big Lead, Perez Hilton (I’ve never understood why anyone read that simpering weirdo anyway), Mashable, and the Daily Kos.

I have to say, Time, well called.

4 thoughts on “The Five Most Overrated Blogs of 2010

  1. Pingback: The Five Most Overrated Blogs of 2010 « Biblicus Semitae

  2. Pingback: Larry King to End Show – I’m taking over; will destroy others | The Church of Jesus Christ

  3. Pingback: Larry King to End Show – I’m taking over; will destroy others | Christian Articles and videos

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