It’s Hard to Feel Sorry for Tax Cheats

When the Gulf oil crisis started I felt bad for the people of the Gulf affected by it and of course I still feel bad for most of them, and for the animals that are suffering, and for the people whose lives have been adversely affected.  But when I heard this report today, it tempered my sense of compassion for a segment of the Gulf’s population.  The tax cheats.

It seems that lots of folks in the Gulf work off the books and under the table, evading taxes and thereby evading their responsibility as part of society to bear their share of the burden.

I’m not sure why I was surprised by this.  People being people, you can usually expect the worst.  I suppose the fact that now these same tax cheats are in line for money from BP and are having a hard time justifying their claims because they have no tax records did it.

What hubris.  They don’t want to pay taxes (greed of course being the underlying sickness) but now they want free money.  I’d like to keep everything I make and I’m sure everyone else would too.  But I can’t fathom people who aren’t willing to do their rightful part in society.  It makes their complaining about the money they’ve lost since the disaster began taste sour.

Perhaps all those filing claims without sufficient tax payment documentation should be investigated by the IRS.  That would be fair, right, just and equitable.