Gay Dietrich Bonhoeffer??? Seriously?

Anything for publicity and increased sales I suppose.

A new biography is raising questions about the life and relationships of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, an anti-Nazi dissident whose theological writings remain widely influential among Christians.

Both left-leaning and right-leaning Christians herald the life and writings of Bonhoeffer, who was hanged for his involvement in the unsuccessful plot to assassinate Adolf Hitler in 1944. Bonhoeffer was engaged to a woman at the time of his execution, observing that he had lived a full life even though he would die a virgin.

The new biography, “Strange Glory: A Life of Dietrich Bonhoeffer,” from University of Virginia religious studies professor Charles Marsh, implies that Bonhoeffer may have had a same-sex attraction to his student, friend and later biographer Eberhard Bethge.

Give me a break.

“Marsh makes a convincing case that Bonhoeffer harbored feelings for Bethge that extended beyond friendship,” writes Timothy Larsen, a professor of Christian thought at evangelical Wheaton College, in a book review for Christianity Today. “Those feelings were unrequited, and Bonhoeffer probably did not consciously acknowledge them. Still, Marsh notes, he was possessive and smothering in his attention.”

Joel Watts smothers me with his attention, and it means nothing… right, Joel?  Right??????

3 thoughts on “Gay Dietrich Bonhoeffer??? Seriously?

  1. In order to water down a deviant sexual act practiced and preferred by male homosexuals, any type of close and anything closer than a friendship between men, since David and Jonathan, Jesus and John, including, but not limiting to the people mentioned in your post, by calling any male affection “homosexuality”… Actually they there is a hidden agenda of ascribing any type of affectionate relationship between any man as homosexuality… They really need to find some solace for their “position” on homosexuality! Any man who does not have his masculinity challenged by demonstrated affection for his friends will be targeted by this disguised, albeit horrendous and destructive, form of slandering!


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