
Several sound pretty interesting.

Centre for Anabaptist Studies

The Centre will offer six or more webinars (web-based seminars) during each academic year. These webinars are free and can be accessed via a home computer. They will last between 60 and 90 minutes, and there will be a mix of presentation and interaction. The webinars will all be recorded and so can be watched subsequently.  During 2014-15 six webinars have been arranged, each of which will feature an author of books (already published or forthcoming) in the ‘After Christendom’ series. These will take place at 7.30pm on the following dates:

21 October: Stuart Murray Williams, author of Post-Christendom

20 November: Lloyd Pietersen, author of Reading the Bible after Christendom

29 January: Andrew Francis, author of Hospitality and Community after Christendom

26 February: Nigel Pimlott, co-author of Youth Work after Christendom

6 May: Simon Perry, author of Atheism after Christendom

2 June: Brian Haymes & Kyle Gingerich-Hiebert, co-authors of God…

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