Scholars You Should Know: Deane Galbraith

Deane is an up and comer who’s recent dissertation, Manufacturing Judean Myth: The Spy Narrative in Numbers 13–14 as Rewritten Tradition, I have had the opportunity to read and found so engaging that I wanted to both interview him and mention his work to you.

Deane is a scholar you should know, if you don’t already. Here’s the interview (which is rather long, necessitating the format below) :

2 thoughts on “Scholars You Should Know: Deane Galbraith

  1. Dear Jim, Could you send me Deane Galbraith’s e-mail address? Thomas ________________________________________ Fra: Zwinglius Redivivus [] Sendt: 22. august 2013 12:44 Til: Thomas L. Thompson Emne: [New post] Scholars You Should Know: Deane Galbraith

    Jim posted: “Deane is an up and comer who’s recent dissertation, Manufacturing Judean Myth: The Spy Narrative in Numbers 13–14 as Rewritten Tradition, I have had the opportunity to read and found so engaging that I wanted to both interview him and mention his work to “


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