The Big Bad Mean Vatican v. The Tiny Little Helpless Nun…

That, at least, is how the HuffPo wishes things to be perceived in the most recent debate between the Vatican and one of its own.  Once more the HuffPo is playing to the angry anti-Catholic pro Gay crowd with a piece designed to do nothing more than provoke contempt.

emblem of the Papacy: Triple tiara and keys Fr...

The Vatican on Monday sharply criticized a book on sexuality written by a prominent American nun, saying it contradicted church teaching on issues like masturbation, homosexuality and marriage and that its author had a “defective understanding” of Catholic theology.  The Vatican’s orthodoxy office said the book, “Just Love: A Framework for Christian Sexual Ethics” by Sister Margaret Farley, a member of the Sisters of Mercy religious order and emeritus professor of Christian ethics at Yale Divinity School, posed “grave harm” to the faithful.  The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith said that in the 2006 book, Farley either ignored church teaching on core issues of human sexuality or treated it as merely one opinion among many.

This discussion is between the Vatican and the nun.  The Vatican can rid itself of persons it deems troublemakers and schismatics.  It’s been doing it for ages.  And if the nun in question disagrees with the Vatican nothing and no one is forcing her to stay within the Holy Roman fold.  If she no longer wishes to bow the knee to Rome, she needn’t.