People Will Lie and Misrepresent History in Order to Support Their Support of Same Sex Marriage

Since it’s now a commonplace for people to misrepresent the Bible’s view of same sex relations it should surprise no one that history itself is being subjected to the same sort of willful misreading and grotesque misprision.

Here’s one of the more appalling examples:

Prof John Boswell, the late chairman of Yale University’s history department, found there were ceremonies called the Office of Same-Sex Union and the Order for Uniting Two Men in the 10th to 12th centuries.

The medievalist published Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality: Gay People in Western Europe from the Beginning of the Christian Era to the Fourteenth Century in 1980.

According to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Studies section of Yale University’s website, the controversial book argued that the modern Catholic Church’s stance on homosexuality ‘departed from the tolerance and even celebration of homosexual love that had characterized the first millennium of the Church’s teachings’.

The research brings into perspective the debate raging in America over same-sex marriage after President Barack Obama announced that he now supports it.

The chronicler Gerald of Wales (‘Geraldus Cambrensis’) recorded same-gender Christian unions taking place in Ireland in the late 12th and early 13th centuries.

As the author of the post calling such deceptive misrepresentations of historical fact points out

And, of course, there are wild cries of delight at this “proof” that Christians in the middle-ages were happily wedding men to each other.  Friends, it’s nothing but plain dishonesty on the part of “academics” like Boswell. Gerald of Wales’ record of Ireland “The Topography of Ireland” is freely available online [pdf] and I’m surprised nobody has yet simply read through it and fisked Boswell’s appalling argument.

He then goes on to offer the relevant sections.  If your view has to be supported by lies, it’s not much of a view.  It would be far more honest of homosexual activists to say ‘we have no biblical support for our perspective and though it is clear that homosexuality has been practiced throughout history, there is also no reason to suggest that it has been accepted as normal behavior since the days of the Greco-Roman Empire’.  At least that level of honesty could be respected.  Dishonesty, on the other hand, is not worthy of respect.

2 thoughts on “People Will Lie and Misrepresent History in Order to Support Their Support of Same Sex Marriage

  1. Or you could say “The end justifies the means–Not!”

    The ancient Greeks seemed to prefer teenage boys and adult men. Adult males together not so much. Lesbians, like all women, get scant mention. Today is plainly a different world, whatever your views.


  2. Pingback: What the Bible Still Says About Homosexuality (Part 3) | Southern Reformation

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