James Tabor ‘Calls Me Out’

Tabor sent this letter to various and sundry folk today:

Subject: Enough is Enough–Calling out Jim West

To: Mark Goodacre , Cargill Robert , McGrath James , Antonio Lombatti , “Christopher Rollston A.” , Andy Vaughn , Crossan John Dominic , Greg Snyder , Richard Bauckham , Jack Sasson , Heiser Michael , Rami Arav , “Dr. at UHL Pfann” , Mark Elliott , “Paul Flesher V.M.” , Gibson Shimon , Stephen Goranson , “Davila R. James” , James Crossley , DeConick April , jasonastaples@gmail.com, Paul Anderson , ce-jones@ascsa.edu.gr
Cc: Charlesworth James

Dear colleagues,

I was rather disgusted at Jim West’s latest blog post against our colleague Jim Charlesworth, and he signed it as if folks who don’t understand might think it came from our colleague Jack, see URL below. Jim can speak for himself, of course, though I doubt if he desires to stoop into the low world that West inhabits, but I decided, since I too have been the constant target of West’s slanderous and unprofessional posts, to speak out. I have posted the message below on his blog. He has already replied, I think he sits at his computer 24/7, charging that only those we have bribed with money would support our views.

I would ask your help in telling West, either publicly or privately, to cease and desist. He is simply a poisonous factor in our academic world, with not a single credential of which I am aware, and the media is noticing the rancor (I interviewed with Nightline in NY yesterday and the producer had been reading some of the blogs and made the comment that she was appalled at the behavior, reminded her of the Republic candidates this year with the negative attack ads!).

I have never met West and a few years ago he seemed to “like me” and even included me as one of his “Bibliobloggers of the Month,” and that was after I published The Jesus Dynasty. I had no idea who he was at the time as I had just entered the “blogging” world, like some of you. What amazes me is how many of my “blogging” colleagues seem to almost fear him when he never offers anything of substance to any discussion, just gossip and personal opinions about everything from our culture, politics, to our biblical studies world.

Crossan, Snyder, and I met at Davidson College week before last when Dom was here for a lecture. We were talking about how unfortunate it was that folks like West are allowed to have reign in our “blogging” world, which none of them inhabit but have dipped in on this issue and run away.

Anyway, I hope you will support me in calling him out. He really needs to get a grip here. And I want to thank Andy and the folks at ASOR for providing us the professional forum for discussion of our Talpiot tomb B findings.

Best wishes in this Season, as ever,


My response to Tabor and his mailing list follows:

i appreciate james tabor’s desire to ‘call me out’ (i feel like we’re in the old west).

anyway, just a brief response: call me whatever you like. i’m not subject to the views or opinions of others about me and i’ll not be changing my methodology or focus simply because tabor (or davila) or anyone else is disgruntled.

as i’ve always said, and always will, you are free to do as you wish- just as am i.

if i were seeking to gain your approval i wouldn’t be true to myself. so i can choose and i know what i’ve chosen. perhaps if mr tabor is angry enough he can get me kicked out of sbl or ets or sots or the zwingliverein. if he wishes to wage a public campaign against me he’s free to do that as well, just as i’m, again, free to point out the stupidity and lunacy of so much that passes for biblical and archaeological scholarship.

again, all of you, to a man and woman, are more than welcome to call me anything you like. it won’t have any effect on what i do.

best wishes to you all


I’ll say again what I’ve always said since the very beginning: no one makes you come here to read. If you don’t like my tone, if you don’t like what I have to say, if you would prefer to find my dead body on a road somewhere being consumed by birds of prey, that’s perfectly fine. Just. Stay. Away.

11 thoughts on “James Tabor ‘Calls Me Out’

  1. Ignore his comments, he speaks but for himself and a few others seeking fame and fortune at the expense of the profession. He wants fame, let him deal with the people at UIWU. He had opportunity after opportunity to disassociate himself from this crowd, but chose not to. Respect is earned, not due to education, wealth, social status, age and how many times one appears on the big screen.


    • i am not at all, in the least, bothered by his remarks. firstly, he lied when he said we’d never met. we certainly have. his memory has simply failed him. secondly, my life is an open book and anyone who wants to know anything about me need only take a look at my cv and publication list. i’m not hiding.


  2. Someone tell Tabor to check Jim’s Biblioblgger Top 50 standing. Not like he’s widely read, compared to celebrity bloggers and FBers. Otherwise a lot of biblical tv shows would never make it to air.

    And it’s possible Jim could be a one man Wikipedia for accuracy, too. No law forcing people to take his opinions for gospel.

    May be a market in making Jim West shooting targets though. I’ll have to check on that.


  3. Jim, you might be right, I had forgotten we had met. I thought when you were going to come to Charlotte for the Jonathan Z. Smtih visit, and then again for my lecture as Asheville, you wrote me saying something like “it will be nice to meet at last.” But hey, I am 66 and I don’t remember everything. I have nothing against you personally and my “calling you out” was for what I consider to be bad behavior. I have no power to “ban” anyone from anything but I do think your trashing of me personally, imputing motives, passing on lies from Joe Zias without attribution or checking with me, and so forth, is really a nasty way of behaving among colleagues, even who disagree. Everyone who has followed this and previous controversial issues I have been involved in know that I have always responded to those who disagree with grace and respect–you included. Today I felt you went over the edge in your response to the Charlesworth’s post. You want me to stay away, I can do that, but remember I come here mainly because you are constantly trashing me and spreading things that are untrue–so don’t I have a right to respond? Do a search for my name on your blog, or search any blog where you have posted. It is pretty unprofessional and ugly stuff. Search my blog and you won’t even find a mention of your name, and hardly anything with Zias, as I have tried to stay with issues, not personalities. Joe, even here, specializes in lies and generally I try to ignore him and almost everyone I know in the field considers the source.


    • we did- it was at the sbl philadelphia, or san diego, or atlanta… or one of them.
      you’re not the only one getting old!

      i have nothing against you personally either. i just disagree with your theory and your findings.

      as to joe zias, he’s a friend and i don’t have it in me to say anything against my friends. even if i disagree with them.

      i don’t really trash you. i’ve never made it personal. i’ve only ever talked about your ideas- i’ve never said anything against you as a person. in fact, i’ve never said anything against anyone in terms of their personhood. it’s ideas i take issue with.

      Liked by 1 person

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