Harold ‘The Deceiving Heretic’ Camping Is Missing. How Bizarre is That?!?!

Harold Camping, the California preacher who became omnipresent in the publicity blitz over his prediction of the end of the world, today was nowhere to be found after it became clear that the Rapture wasn’t happening.


Boy I sure would like to have been at his ‘church’ today.  Oh, wait.  He’s not really a Pastor, he’s a ‘radio preacher’ which means his ‘congregation’ are people who send him money to carry out his radio ‘ministry’.  I suspect he can’t be found because he’s cowering in some cave or basement somewhere wondering how it is that his deception didn’t capture the imagination of the entire world so that his bank account would now be considerably enriched so he could ‘spread the good word’ before the end.

His poor followers ought to get their money back.  They should sue him for fraud- for that is what he is and that’s what he’s guilty of.