Another Jewish Paper Excises Hillary Clinton From their Photo…

It appears a trend has developed amongst the Ultra-Orthodox with yet another paper eliminating all traces of the two women (Clinton and Tomason) in the now famous situation room photo.

Shmarya Rosenberg, the blogger at Failed Messiah who first wrote about the doctored Situation Room photograph, has uncovered a second altered photograph in a Jewish magazine. De Voce, a weekly Brooklyn Hasidic magazine, has dropped Hillary Clinton and Audrey Tomason from its pages, much as the Der Tzitung newspaper did. The magazine does leave somewhat blurry lines to suggest the photo was altered, as if a ghost Clinton still lingers, but the females are nevertheless scrubbed from the room:

It’s just more than strange that people supposedly so concerned for morality and propriety are willing to lie and misrepresent in the name of morality!

Here’s the real photo-

3 thoughts on “Another Jewish Paper Excises Hillary Clinton From their Photo…

  1. It was just that they were worried about her public image since it seems that she is overly concerned…



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