Four Muslims Beat a Christian Evangelist to Death and Attack his Pregnant Wife

Evangelist Abraham Abera was lured from his church by the thugs on false assertions of a friend’s illness.  Then he was beaten to death and when his wife attempted to intervene, she was beaten too.

So much, then, for the ‘religion of peace’ actually being such.  Read the whole reprehensible account at the link.  And pray for Christians in the Muslim world.  They just aren’t safe thanks to the radical madness which drives so many Muslims.

[Meanwhile the moderate Muslims remain silent].

3 thoughts on “Four Muslims Beat a Christian Evangelist to Death and Attack his Pregnant Wife

  1. And ‘silent’ they will remain. See Dr West, these Muslims have done nothing wrong, in fact, they are but following the letter of the Quran: death to infidels (Sura 9:29-33)- Christians like us (esp. evangelists).

    So smiting Christians in Islam is indeed the divine will of Allah.


  2. Something even worse than silent Muslims, is silent Christians!

    And amen Fr. Stephen, I have engaged these fellows myself…it is war both in ideology and in the flesh! But we know this is really spiritual at the depth, (Eph.6:12). Christians today simply must engage this also, there is no middle ground. The Lordship of Christ demands our full commitment here!


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