An Aftershock as Large as a Regular Quake

Japan is still under the gun, having just experienced a while ago yet another massive aftershock in the 6.0 range.  Those poor folk must have the world’s most frazzled nerves.  I can’t imagine such conditions (and to be fair, let’s face it, most of us can’t).  God help them.

Japan has been rattled by a couple of aftershocks within minutes, causing buildings in Tokyo to sway.  The first, measuring 6.2 in magnitude, struck Tuesday night off the coast of Fukushima prefecture, 200 miles (325 kilometers) northeast of Tokyo and near where a massive quake hit last week.  Three minutes later, a second 6.0-magnitude quake rumbled under Shizuoka prefecture, 55 miles (90 kilometers) southwest of Tokyo.

It’s just simply mind-boggling.

1 thought on “An Aftershock as Large as a Regular Quake

  1. Yep, that one struck the prefecture next to mine so I felt it quite strongly. Strange that a 6.0 earthquake would seem enormous under normal circumstances, but seems like a thankfully minor tremor today.

    The 9.0 subduction event on the 11th was a once-in-a-millennium earthquake, and the rest of the fault lines around the country seem to be taking the opportunity to let off some energy (including the eruption of a volcano in Kyushu). Hopefully this period will be followed by a few years of seismic tranquility.


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