Islamic Violence Against Christians

Hundreds of Islamic hard-liners stormed a courthouse and set two churches on fire Tuesday in central Indonesia to protest what they considered a lenient sentence for a Christian convicted of blaspheming Islam.  Jakarta resident Antonius Richmond Bawengan, 58, was found guilty of distributing books and leaflets that “spread hatred about Islam” and sentenced to the maximum five years in prison. Islamic hard-liners shouted during the rioting that the man should have received the death penalty. Anti-riot police fired into the air to disperse the crowd.

How very different these people are from the Christians in Cairo who circled and protected Muslims at prayer during the height of the protests.

1 thought on “Islamic Violence Against Christians

  1. What amazes me is that the ignorant press keeps citing Indonesia as a Muslim country that does not have violence against Christians. Wrong. The oppression has been going on for years, we just look the other way.

    Grace and peace.


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