Belmont University and its ‘Tolerance’ Policy

Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.


Belmont University of Nashville, Tennessee, was once affiliated with and heavily funded by the Tennessee Baptist Convention.  But a few years ago Belmont decided it wished to sever ties and go it alone.  And it really has, having given up both its Baptist affiliation and its Baptist identity.

So anyone watching Belmont over the last few years will not at all be surprised by its decision to adjust its ‘tolerance’ policy to accommodate itself to any and all ideological points of view.

A university that came under fire from students for the departure of a lesbian women’s soccer coach has added sexual orientation to its non-discrimination policy, but it was not clear whether it covered sexually active gays.  President Bob Fisher announced the policy approved by trustees, but wouldn’t answer questions Wednesday regarding ex-soccer coach Lisa Howe. The private university has said her departure on Dec. 2 was a mutual decision. But students and players protested, saying Howe was let go because she told them she was having a child with her same-sex partner.  Belmont is a Christian university that had been affiliated with the Southern Baptists until it broke away in 2007. It is known nationally for its music business school and is widely regarded as progressive, so the accusation surprised some in the Belmont community.  At the time of Howe’s departure, Fisher said that the university does not consider sexual orientation in admissions or hiring decisions. On Wednesday, he said the policy change simply affirms the practices already in place.

Abandoning one’s identity simply to ‘fit in’…  how sad.  Christian institutions should hold themselves to standards in accordance with Scripture and not bow the knee to the Ba’al of a falsely denominated ‘non-discrimination’ policy.  The true discrimination takes place when external force causes one to abandon oneself merely for the sake of pleasing others.

Indeed, isn’t it amazing that homosexual activists constantly tell people that they ‘are who they are and nothing can change that’ and yet those same activists insist that others (and institutions) change to accommodate them?  I find that passing bizarre.  The real discrimination here takes place in the coercion of an institution.   But I guess Belmont doesn’t really care anymore about its identity.