Surprised By Luther

Or more precisely, a 1670 printing of Luther’s translation of the Bible.

A sixth-grade teacher in Bonduel, Wis., discovered a 340-year-old German Bible in an old safe in a small Lutheran church school where she works.  The 1,500-page Bible, a copy of Martin Luther’s translation, was printed in Germany in 1670, researchers told WLUK-TV, the local Fox affiliate.  Debra Court found it while searching for old baptism records to show her students, but she thought it was just an old book. That was two years ago.

I wish I could find something so awesome.  The most ancient thing I’ve ever come across was a piece of the Ark of Noah and a bit from the Cross – both, interestingly enough – in my back yard.

Eventually the church’s pastor, Timothy Shoup, sent it to researchers at Concordia Seminary Library in St. Louis, who have now identified it. The library’s Lyle Buettner said only about 40 copies are known, though it’s likely many more are undocumented.

Cha Ching!